Cosmic Matrix
The inner workings of the Universe on a micro and macrocosmic scale.
(Macro Cosmos / Worldscript)
The Universe is all of reality. It is an indefinite indeterminate inaccessible boundless span of infinite dimensions; all forms of matter, energy and momentum, all tiers of mathematics, and the physical laws and constants that govern them.
The Universe contains (and transcends) all times and spaces that can exist and all that can't exist. The Universe contains and transcends both formal and informal logical systems. And be perfectly clear, "contains" means "this structure exists" rather than "a representation of this structure exists".
The Universe is so boundlessly extendable, it contains all categories. It is everything that exists, has existed, and will exist. It is a true boundless waltz…
Inner Principle
If a past, present, future, or endless idea managed to surpass anything on this page, it would have been present in the Universe all along. The Universe possesses an indefinite indeterminate inaccessible boundless span of ladders of increasing complexity. The Universe at its most microcosmic pin is a potential and actual infinite layered structure. The Universe only gets increasingly more unfathomable the more it transcends itself.
The Universe contains an order of absolutely infinite multiplicities, surpassing the cardinals. By simply going one infinity higher the size increases an unfathomable amount. The number of times the inner workings of the Universe transcends an absolute infinite multiplicity is transcendentally boundless.
Beyond those cardinals are the inaccessible cardinals, that have to be axiomatically declared and can never be reached from below. The number of times an absolute infinite multiplicity is transcended surpasses any actuality of inaccessible cardinals.
The amount of times that this system of "cannot be reached from below" is repeated beyond any conceptual indefinable boundlessness definability.
The Universe is beyond and outside of the metaphysical language of perception itself. It is the conglomeration of all mathematics, encompassing all of existence within itself as the abstract totality in which all designs, both logical and illogical, are contained, with the interpreting-dimensional world in which the narrative takes place being nothing but one among many spaces. All theoretical expanses of the Universe are in play.
"What is the Universe? The Universe transcends all infinite dimensions. It transcends perception and perspective... it transcends Logos; it steps beyond the principle of Conceptual Transcendence itself."
The Universe contains all numbers and their expressions on all attributes and modes of fiction, nonfiction, transfiction, fanfiction, metafiction, patafiction, interfiction, personal fiction, and impersonal fiction.
The Universe contains all shapes and their expressions on all attributes and modes of fiction, nonfiction, transfiction, fanfiction, metafiction, patafiction, interfiction, personal fiction, and impersonal fiction.
The Universe contains all dimensions and their expressions on all attributes and modes of fiction, nonfiction, transfiction, fanfiction, metafiction, patafiction, interfiction, personal fiction, and impersonal fiction.
The Universe contains all measurements and their expressions on all attributes and modes of fiction, nonfiction, transfiction, fanfiction, metafiction, patafiction, interfiction, personal fiction, and impersonal fiction.
The Universe contains all differentations and their alternative expressions, all vectors and imaginary vectors, all matrices and their alternative expressions, all permutations and their alternative expressions, all combinations and their alternative expressions, all integrations and their alternative expressions, all separations and their alternative expressions, all projections and their alternative expressions, all injections and their alternative expressions, all surjections and their alternative expressions, all differential equations (ordinary - partial) and their alternative expressions, all bijections and their alternative expressions, all semigroups and their alternative expressions, all transformations and their alternative expression, all relations and their alternative expressions, all functions and their alternative expressions, all functors and their alternative expressions, all functionals and their alternative expressions, all fractals and their alterantive expressions, all geometries and their alternative expressions, all algebraic group schemes and their alternative expressions, all supermanifolds and their alternative expressions, all K-theories, all M-theories, all M-sets, all axioms of infinity and their alternative expressions, all power sets and their alternative expressions, all subsets and their alternative expressions, all supersets and their alternative expressions, all plain sets and their alternative expressions, all ordinary sets and their alternative expressions, and all common-or-garden sets and their alternative expressions.
The Universe contains all the Basics: cardinal numbers, ordinal numbers, limit ordinals, fundamental sequence, normal form, transfinite induction, and ordinal notation.
The Universe contains the Robinson arithmetic, Presburger arithmetic, Peano arithmetic, Kripke–Platek set theory, second-order arithmetic, Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory, and George Cantor absolute infinite.
The Universe contains all Model Theoretic Concepts such as structure and elementary embedding.
The Universe contains all Countable ordinals: such as (Feferman–Schütte ordinal), (Ackermann ordinal), (small Veblen ordinal), (large Veblen ordinal), (Bachmann-Howard ordinal), (Buchholz's ordinal) (Takeuti-Feferman-Buchholz ordinal), (countable limit of Extended Buchholz's function), (Church-Kleene ordinal), (admissible ordinal), (recursively inaccessible ordinal), (recursively Mahlo ordinal), (reflecting ordinal), (stable ordinal), (ordinals on infinite time Turing machine), (gap ordinal), and the fictional, nonfictional, and transfictional possibility, impossibility, and actuality of the List of all countable ordinals.
The Universe contains all Ordinal hierarchies, including the Fast-growing hierarchy, Slow-growing hierarchy, Hardy hierarchy, Middle-growing hierarchy, and N-growing hierarchy.
The Universe contains all Ordinal functions, such as enumeration, normal function, derivative, Veblen function, ordinal collapsing function, Bachmann's function, Madore's function, Feferman's theta function, Buchholz's function, Extended Buchholz's function, Jäger-Buchholz function, Jäger's function, Rathjen's psi function, Rathjen's Psi function, and Stegert's Psi function.
The Universe contains all Uncountable cardinals, such as the omega fixed point, inaccessible cardinal, Mahlo cardinal, weakly compact cardinal, indescribable cardinal, and rank-into-rank cardinal.
The Universe contains all Classes, including the Von Neumann universe, Goedel's constructible universe, 0n (which denotes the class of all ordinals), Limit Ordinal, Additively Indecomposable Ordinal, and Class (set theory).
The Universe contains all (section is hidden).
The Universe contains all data structures and their expressions.
The Universe contains all processes and their expressions.
The Universe contains all formal descriptions of logical structures.
The Universe contains all informal descriptions of illogical structures.
The Universe on a baseline contains and transcends all mahlo cardinals (which are inaccessible, hyper-inaccessible, hyper-hyper-inaccessible, ... and so on), weakly compact cardinals, ineffable cardinals, immeasurable cardinals, Woodin cardinals, inaccessible Woodin cardinals, Ramsey cardinals, supercompact cardinals, huge cardinals, and n-huge cardinals - as well as all modes and configurations and expressions of all of the former.
On the grand scale, the Universe contains all spaces and their expressions and times and their expressions that ever existed, will exist, or don't exist.
It transcends all continua, infinite intelligence, boundless thought, and transcendence.
The Universe contains all categories and their expressions - past, present, future, and endless...
The Universe is continually ever-transcending all "possible extensions" of boundless hierarchies of infinite-dimensional structures with all possible, impossible, logical, and illogical modes and attributes surpassing all configurations and expressions of physics, abstract mathematical totalities, metaphysics, and pataphysics.
The Universe contains its own End of Infinity, contains boundless hierarchies of infinite-dimensional structures of all many-layered cosmologies - forever increasing. The Universe is the embodiment and collection of all ideas that can be conceptualized through all configurations and expressions of mathematics, being described as forever transcendent more, and containing all forms of dimensions, as well as all truth-types of transcendence itself, with the very terms "within" and "outside" being inapplicable to its full extension and only existent in individual spaces. Anything capable of being categorized under the aforementioned terms is automatically contained within the constraints of the Universe, even if never seen before".
The Outskirts of the Universe
This is what can only be described as that which is unbounded the idea of anything within the Universe. The outskirts are for those that have surpassed not just the Metaphysical, but the Pataphysical. The Outskirts of the Universe is Beyond Reality, with everything in relation to the Universe being nothing but zero in relation to what it is. The Outskirts of the Universe is inexplicable, with no scientific, natural, imaginary, metaphysical, or pataphysical theories explaining exactly what this "beyond the beyond" is as it is beyond all twofold dualities, boundaries, or abstract in principle.