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The Zettaverse is the greatest level of Beyondness. It is the "suggslogical" conceptual transcendence of the absolute boundlessness above beyondness that encompasses all uncountably inaccessible transcendent totalities. It is an impassable boundless scope of ultimate ensembles.

Abstract Mathematically, its size can only be informally transcended by the layers representing All, The All, and THE ALL of different complexities or qualitative “steps” on a trans-fictional continuity scale.

The Zettaverse is the imaginary representation and embodiment of an uncountable set of Omniverses. Because operating on the Zettaverse means stepping beyond the hierarchy of narratives, those that have stepped onto the Zettaverse are no longer bound by the beyondness of hierarchies of narratives.

  • Unless explicitly actualized by the author or the character, the narrative doesn't exist...even if those in the realm of fanfiction want to pretend that they do.

Zettaverse introduces a new scope of meta-conceptual transcendence, or rather, answers Meta-Conceptual Transcendence as it can be interpreted as the fulfillment of beyond-conceptual transcendence. Zettaverse is the family of semantic omnipotence paradoxes.

The Zettaverse akin to quantum foam exists outside of reality and unreality, time and space, and is the embodiment of the Omniverse while transcending all of it at the same time. The Zettaverse is the highest point akin to a mountain with each step upwards containing boundless Metaverses, with the next step upwards being a boundless Metaverse qualitatively significantly larger than the step below it, and in these Metaverses, the quantum foam has infinite Metaverses with atoms in that Metaverse containing an absolute infinite multiplicity of Metaverses and each cycle goes on for ad infinitum as the mountain is boundlessly high. The Zettaverse embodies the reality and unreality which contains the mountain and the realities and unrealities inside those Metaverses and the Zettaverse embodies all of them. The Zettaverse is able to control the Alphaverse and Omegaverse and the layers within them.

To paint a picture of the Zettaverse, it is where feats such as a being, entity, or character writing their own narrative or grand meta-narrative or embodying their entire verse is absolutely possible. However, this absolute possibility is just one of the many grains of sand in a desert where each grain of sand is an illusion created by the author to simulate the illusion of all-encompassing. Because of this, beings, entities, and characters do not actually embody their verse or transcend it, rather they only transcend and embody a completed Fictional, Nonfictional, Transfictional, Fanfictional, Metafictional, Patafictional, Interfictional, Personal, Fictional, Impersonal Fictional, Incompatibilism Fictional, Impossible Fictional, Speculative Fictional, Xenofictional, Universal Genre, Universal Trope, Paratextual, Memetic Fictional, Transformation Fictional, and all of a priori and a posteriori Fiction on a qualitative personal, impersonal, and transpersonal scale version of their verse (which is still within their verse). Beings, entities, and characters can not only enter into other authors' Narratives, they completely make it non-canon to their narrative superseding any course of events.

The Zettaverse is the cosmological ensemble that contains everything. Regardless of any existential and nonexistential properties, it is the all-encompassing value of "Be-All, End-All."

This means that the Zettaverse is the largest imaginable, unimaginable, theoretical, nontheoretical, unphysical, metaphysical, pataphysical ensemble. Zettaverse is, and Zettaverse is not beyond "Act" and "Will."

Zettaverse contains anything and everything beyond space-time continua, reality and beyond dimensional reality, logic, metalogic, abstractions, and everything else that could, can, and will ever be imagined of or not imagined of -- no what anything or anyone says. The Zettaverse contains the absolute boundless multiplicity of akin infinite variations of everything it encompasses.

The Zettaverse contains not only all of existence but an ever-transcending hierarchy of eternal transcendent variations of a boundless hierarchy of 'meta-concepts' completely different from existence. The Zettaverse contains everything outside the Zettaverse, while still being contained by The Zettaverse. The Zettaverse contains all properties and everything that can be detailed or not detailed upon; thus everything that is a “label, term and is-a" by definition is within the Zettaverse.

No unit, notion, meta-possibility, or impossibility exists outside the Zettaverse. All efforts at explaining how something exists beyond the Zettaverse are retroactively retrocausality denied. Zettaverse is that something which is "beyond" or "outside" the Zettaverse. The Zettaverse will supersede any enlightenment or reason of why “is” or “it” can be outside of the Zettaverse. All variations of logic, metalogic, meta-conceptualization, possible, and impossible are in the Zettaverse, and it also contains an inaccessible boundless amount of copies of itself, nonvanishing, eternally transcending one another.

Posted by Suggsverse