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Transhierarchical is the expanse outside of the formal logic that can be comprehended.

Transhierarchical is represented by transfictional existence transcending reality-fictional differences, transcending all concepts of dimensions and beyond dimensional realities in the aforementioned contexts.

Transhierarchical is an existence that transcends all writing, descriptions, logic, etc, and analogous extensions and intensions. This literally means that any form of measurement or indexing you apply to it is inherently wrong as Transhierarchical fully exceeds size itself, measurement, and indexing. Transhierarchical isn’t that which can be ranked on a hierarchy since it surpasses said notion.

Transhierarchical completely transcends that which houses all writing (for writing to exist, there must be concepts for things to be written down. More so, "for things to be written, a concept of such must be formed") and the “something” that can be still thought of. Transhierarchical isn’t bound by formal statements or descriptions of “something” beyond human or Deus sense of logic.

Transhierarchical completely transcends True Platonic Forms, Platonic Forms, and Platonic Shadows that govern what things are as well all permutations of all possible/impossible truth statements.

  • Transhierarchical is the superiority, beyondness, or being outside the hierarchy. Transhierarchical characters are by default unbound by the hierarchy or system like with reality fiction, superseding the contexts of boundless transcendence.

A "Low" Transhierarchical state is defined as an unbound beyondness that is unreachable in relation to any conceptual context of dimensions and/or higher realms of existence, while Transhierarchical trivializes such beyondess in a similar manner. High Transhierarchical is absolutely undefinable in relation to Transhierarchical states and beyond any extensions thereof. The "Wholeness" of a Transhierarchical state transcends all of the aforementioned.

Statements of Transhierarchical fail to conceive it fully. And due to the limitations of formalness, even this statement itself is a failure to capture its fullness, oneness, and otherness.

Posted by Suggsverse