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Suggsmatics is the all-encompassing foundation of describing something through negation to allow the realization of actualizing that which "describes" something outside of logic.

Anything we imagine is inherently limited to being within a formal system, Suggsmatics is outside of any theory of a formal system. Suggsmatics is beyond the Transhierarchical wholeness, an existence that transcends all writing, descriptions, logic, and be-ness.

  • Suggsmatics doesn't have "indexing"
  • You can't rank Suggsmatics on a hierarchy
  • Suggsmatics isn't above, below, nor equal to be-ness, oneness, sameness, or cosmic otherness; but at the same time…it is also above, below, and equal to actuality, possibility, the extensions, and intensions of be-ness, oneness, sameness, and cosmic otherness simultaneously.

Suggsmatics govern what above, below, and equality are, while suggslogically not being connected to anything, and not having a relationship with anything. Aspects can never reach Suggsmatic as even true description cannot reach Suggsmatics, although Suggsmatics determines the quality and existence which precedes the essence of description.

Posted by Suggsverse