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Dlclaifsein Article – 5th Floor Expressions

The 5th Floor of the Cosmic Hierarchy has a few expressions that connect to what can closely be linked to meaning. The 5th Floor is the main setting of the story The Neverending Poem.


Those seeking a deeper understanding of the 5th Floor will ask the question, "Where did ⦓[♠]⦔ come from?" Some Suggscists, strong adherents of The Book of the Moon, go no further than to state "⦓[♠]⦔ must be BOUNDLESS beyond the 4th Floor, for there is nothing else to define, confine, bound, limit or restrict ⦓[♠]⦔. It must be BOUNDLESS in status, or ETERNALLY TRANSCENDENT,-- it must have always superseded continuously transcendening itself, for there is nothing else to have ever created it … if it had ever 'not been,' even for a moment, it would not 'be' now."


To paint a picture, this is meant to represent that which is beyond Names, Terms, Essence, and in principle is Unknowable to the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Floor.

With respect to THE ALL, ⦓[♠]⦔ is the interpretation of an all-encompassing dynamis above all other of the prior Floors. ⦓[♠]⦔ transcends designations and expressions.

Posted by Suggsverse