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"In the cacophony of chaos, I find the purest form of pleasure. To watch the world unravel is to see the essence of freedom."

Photo NovelWebsite Exclusive
HeightApophatic to Dimensions
WeightApophatic to Dimensions
Eye ColorElectric blue
Hair ColorInapplicable
AgeApophatic to Time
Birth DateApophatic to Creation
Birth PlaceApophatic to Space
Love InterestsNone
AffiliationOriginal SIN
TierApophatic to Tier system

Greethys is an Original SIN that appears on www.heirtothestars.com.

Greethys's journey from an ambitious researcher to a key member of the Original Sin and a self-created void magician is a tale of ambition, conflict, and transformation. His early life is shrouded in mystery, but his actions and innovations reveal a mind driven by an insatiable curiosity and a desire to push the boundaries of what is possible.

His motivations are complex, rooted in a deep-seated hedonism and a fascination with chaos. Greethys did not merely seek power for its own sake; he sought to understand and manipulate the very fabric of reality. This pursuit led him to embrace both the light and dark aspects of his nature, making him a character of profound depth and contradiction.


Greethys in War Mode.

Though labeled as a vicious criminal by the aristocracy, Greethys is more accurately described as an extreme hedonist. His actions, whether criminal or virtuous, were meticulously designed to heighten tensions between the aristocracy and the common folk. Numerous accounts of his words and deeds reveal his enjoyment in observing the ensuing conflicts. Greethys thrived on the chaos and disorder that his manipulations created, finding a perverse pleasure in the upheaval of societal norms and structures. His ultimate desire was to incite war on a cosmic scale, and he used his skills to manipulate both the powerful and the powerless, driving the world deeper into chaos.

Greethys's expertise in void magic and his pioneering research into void technologies positioned him as a formidable figure in the early days of the Zavijava Underworld. His initial aspirations led him to the prestigious Grand Architect magical research lab, where he hoped to make significant contributions to magical science. However, his ambitions took a dark turn when he vanished mysteriously, only to reappear as a member of the fearsome group known as the Original Sin.

It is rumored that Greethys had prior connections to the Original Sin's original leader, which facilitated his swift integration into the group. Upon joining, he supplied the Original Sin with a variety of his innovative and often dangerous inventions. These armaments were effective yet unreliable, reflecting Greethys's ongoing experimentation and desire to test his creations in real-world scenarios.

Common lore suggests that Greethys nearly met his end at the hands of the Grand Architect's Sentinels. However, other accounts place him at the forefront of efforts to slay a Neo-Deus, a threat to the entire underworld. His pivotal contribution to these endeavors was the world-stealing thought, a concept that played a crucial role in the strategies used against the Neo-Deus.

Greethys's passion for his research was so intense that he began to incorporate his inventions directly into his own body. This integration of armaments made him a living weapon, continually enhancing his capabilities and making him one of the deadliest entities in the underworld. His transformation was driven by a relentless pursuit of power and knowledge, further blurring the lines between man and machine.

After the chaotic war in which he played a significant part, Greethys continued his research with unwavering dedication. The aftermath of the conflict provided him with ample opportunities to refine his inventions and integrate their results into himself. This process of self-enhancement turned Greethys into a nonexistential weapon, a being whose very presence was a testament to the destructive potential of void magic and technology.

The Chaos Queen, a figure of immense power and insight, believed that Greethys used the Original Sin as a testing ground for his creations. This perspective underscores Greethys's strategic mind and his willingness to use any means necessary to achieve his goals. His legacy is marked by the countless armaments he developed, many of which remain as reminders of his genius and his madness.



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