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LS8 directly supersedes all of the 1st Floor and its extensions and intensions aimed at creating separations between different be-ness, oneness, sameness, and cosmic otherness. Its status, whether written or unwritten is unlimited by things, properties, or classes like being or non-being, or by ideas and representations.

The fundamental suggslogic of LS8 is that it is akin to an absolutely impassable class of all objects where any theory just becomes a stepping stone out of the theory, boundlessly expanding. Therefore it is absolutely impossible to formalize LS8.

  • You can't "describe" something outside of logic, as you'll be using formal logic to even do so, but LS8 supersedes this as LS8 is that something outside of logic that determines the wholeness and stillness of a be-ness, oneness, sameness, or cosmic otherness.
Posted by Suggsverse