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Maya is a fundamental meta-suggslogic in Verseology, notably on the First Floor of the Cosmic Hierarchy. Maya can be looked at in numerous ways. One is it symbolizes the magick with which The Chaos Queen uses to make agents of the First Floor believe in what turns out to be an illusion. By extension, it later came to mean the powerful force that creates the cosmic illusion that the phenomenal world is real. Maya is boundlessly reflected on the individual level by conceptualized and meta-conceptualized ignorance of the real nature of the self.

Maya is the greatest maximal illusion, a veiling of the true, unitary Self—the Suggslogical Otherness also known as ________.

  • Many philosophies seek to "pierce the veil" in order to glimpse the transcendent truth, from which the illusion of The First Floor is, drawing from the suggsprinciple that first came to be in the unwritten archives. Maya is neither true nor untrue.
  • Maya is indescribable. She has two grand principles of creation functions—one is to cover up The First Floor and hide it from levels of thought. The other is to present the fabric of illusion as reality instead of The First Floor.
Posted by Suggsverse