A Chthonian Mage Sniper who forages in The Sanctuary in the Shimmering Sky. She took on the 7 Trials to Glory with her sniper rifle, restively training her mysticism to increase the potency of each shot. She followed the strategies created by The Black Monarch and The Silver Devil, never fearing war. Historical texts tell of how she challenged infinities of an uncountable amount of Towers on her own before suffering a major defeat at the hands of the World Champion. However, there are a handful of documents chronicling her actions afterward. It seems she had disappeared into a Golden Gate to the other hierarchy just before reaching her swan song. As the warscape against the Gods drew to a bitter end, Metanoia and her refined sniper rifle defied her existence and nonexistence and determined the outcome against the army of gods.
Powers and Abilities:
Metanoia carries a sniper rifle with her that exceeds the capabilities of any weapon on the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd Floor. When she is not using her rifle, she merely plucks nothingness from her palm. The most ironic thing out of all of this is that she is merely a 14-year-old child.
Spades Precision: Metanoia possesses immeasurable precision, being able to answer to and hit any/all targets, no matter how impossible/improbable/unlikely the odds are or omnipresent it is. Metanoia can instantly react and zero-in on their target without even having too aim/look at or even be anywhere near her target; including making absolutely impossible hits/shots, perfect shots with her eyes closed or hands tied and/or even successfully hit homing targets and disrupted/ignored targets. Through this, she surpasses the apex of omnipresence.
The Dragon’s Breath from Poison Honey: There’s no real way to describe this effect, other than imagine an Author and everything else as a normal story (with 4th-dimensional breaching and metapotence, etc as still part of the story), knowing that the Author can do anything, even erase a flawless indestructible impassable immovable invulnerable Omniversal entity before any concept of Act or Will can manifest as even that is a part of story. The Dragon’s Breath from Poison Honey transcends the might of the Author and is theoretically capable of touching the story within and outside, protecting Metanoia. It’s her form of defense. She’s utilized this against various Victory Generals to absolute success.
Atharva Bullets: Metanoia utilizes concentrated mysticism and fires them from her rifle that shoots down her targets. However, her mysticism is coded with anti-Omnipotence. In other words, she eliminates Narrative Value from Omnipotence itself, making it a theoretical value, and a nonfunctional value. Due to coding being present, even if the Omnipotent Transficitional Author simply denies it, its pure act and divine will have already lost all narrative value.
Butterfly Seal: Through activating the seal on her arm, her true “Self” manifests, generating enough pressure and presence to gain the attention of the Top Tier of Tier 6 of the power ranking.