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Oathsworn Ruin

"When I smile, your story has already ended."

Photo NovelWebsite Exclusive
Physiology∀ntithesis / Ehrima
HeightApophatic to Dimensions
WeightApophatic to Dimensions
Eye ColorGlowing
Hair ColorInapplicable
AgeApophatic to Time
Birth DateApophatic to Creation
Birth PlaceApophatic to Space
Love InterestsNone
TierApophatic to Tier system

Oathsworn Ruin is an Ehrima that appears on www.heirtothestars.com.

In the shadowed recesses of the Cosmic Legion, far removed from the light of creation, lies the Black Lowness, an abyss so profound that it transcends the very concept of dimensionality. This expanse, an embodiment of void and chaos, is the prison of Oathsworn Ruin, an Ehrima once revered and feared across countless beyond-dimensional realities. Oathsworn Ruin, now a 'Sealed' Ehrima, dwells within this incomprehensible silence, a testament to the eternal struggle within the twilight of The Name of the Game.


The Rise of Oathsworn Ruin

Oathsworn Ruin's story begins on top of all theories of possibility and impossibility when it roamed freely among the cosmos, an Ehrima of unparalleled might. Known as the Bringer of Entropy, its stillness heralded the end of eras and the dissolution of worlds. Oathsworn Ruin reveled in the dance of destruction, seeing in it the necessary prelude to rebirth and renewal. Its power was boundless, its will inexorable, and its influence spread like a shadow across the background of creation.

The Fall into the Black Lowness

As Oathsworn Ruin's dominion grew, so did the fear and envy of the other Ehrima. They saw in it a force that could unmake all that they had wrought. Thus, they conspired to bind it, to seal its chaotic otherness away from the ordered expanse beyond many-valued existence. The battle that ensued was cataclysmic, a clash that shook the very foundations of the chessboard. In the end, it was a band of lions that prevailed, forging chains of ineffable starlight and shadow to imprison Oathsworn Ruin within the Black Lowness.

The Nature of His Prison

The Black Lowness is an expanse beyond human comprehension, a void where the laws of physics and logic hold no sway. It is described as "more vague and more boundless" than any known dimension, a place where even the iterations of the void that govern individual omniverses are but infinitesimal aspects of its vast expanse. Within this abyss, Oathsworn Ruin's otherness lingers, its silence a mere paradoxical whisper amidst the eternal stillness.

This unmanifest expanse is an all-encompassing domain, representing pure potential and boundless impossibilities. It transcends the boundaries of known reality, embodying a state where time and space are meaningless. The Black Lowness is a crucible of creation and destruction, where the seeds of future realities exist in a state of flux, waiting to be shaped by the hands of fate.

The Influence of Oathsworn Ruin

Even sealed within the Black Lowness, Oathsworn Ruin's influence pervades the cosmos. Its essence, a miasma of suggslogic, seeps through the cracks of reality, sowing seeds of chaos and decay. Its whispers carried on the silence of the void, reaching the minds of those attuned to the arcane, promising power and forbidden knowledge in exchange for loyalty. These whispers have led many astray, drawing them into the service of the Sealed Ehrima and perpetuating his silence of entropy.

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