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The Omegaverse came into being alongside the Alphaverse. The Omegaverse is not part of the increasing ladder but sits next to the cosmic ladder.

The Omegaverse is the final end point and resting place for all things that ever existed, never existed, or might have existed, including an absolute boundless multiplicity of timelines, continuums, worlds, events, narratives, concepts, metaconcepts, realities, unrealities, ultimate realities and much more.

The Omegaverse encompasses the ending/true ending to all realities and unrealities; it is where all formal and informal concepts and metaconcepts end. The Omegaverse is the final destination for that in which a narrative ends, where things all end up, where variances are all resolved, etc.

If the Alphaverse is the origin for all realities and unrealities and where they start from, then the Omegaverse is where they all end up after their reason has been fulfilled.

  • The Omegaverse is the endpoint of everything into which all Allscapes (Endless Blessings), all stories are long ago absorbed and are significant in one place.

It is the final conclusion of Possibility, Impossibility, Nothingness, and Totality – ever mentioned or seen, self-creating itself as the final and closing existential realm, plane, dimension, and hierarchy of the system.

The Omegaverse is dressed based on the observer's sensitivity, whereas an exact definition cannot be placed onto this realm. Principles of Creation are pre-retrocausality removed before they can even be thought of to begin.

The Omegaverse is a self-aware setting/stage that is fully aware of the Plot/Story/Verse/Narrative Causality/Author and thus designed itself to make it so that its residents do not work within the plot as the plot works for them. Deus ex Machina does not exist here in any fashion and is not allowed. In other words, upon reaching the Omegaverse (or, if created or self-created into the Omegaverse), the Plot/Story/Verse/Narrative Causality/Author works for said character. This is the basis of the self-created, self-defined fundamentals of the Omegaverse.

The Omegaverse sets the stage for the end, after the embodiment of endings, after the principle behind the layer in which “after the True End” is defined and after the zenith of all hierarchies.

The White Night Phoenix

The White Night Phoenix is the embodiment of the Omegaverse (and a herald of a higher status) whose sole role is to claim everything at the end of all things including all realities and all unrealities.

To be written...

To be written...

Posted by Suggsverse