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The All

The All does not exist in creation (in any way that "thought" can be attached to), and yet, its will is within every fiber and void of creation. The All is that which is meaning beyond that which exists. The All is set here and there and everywhere and everyhow. The All is beyond the rules of existence and nonexistence as we know them, and it's impossible to predict or even map The All. The All is beyond definition from our viewpoint.

The All: The All is realized only as supreme perfection. It is a completely independent existence beyond the absolute. The All is an absolute boundless multiplicity in which every sub-multiplicity has the first element; such a multiplicity called The All. The All transcends absolutely anything and everything, as absolutely anything and everything is within All, which is within The All.

It may be impossible to categorize or find an exact description for The All in any way as it encompasses and contains the notion of “completely above and beyond all classification and definition.” It contains the notion of “unboundedness and freedom to defy absolutely all things.”

The All encompasses and contains “beyond the notion of personality and individuality” and it encompasses and contains the notion of “not being able to be grasped or understood as a concept at the core principle” The All.

The All is an unknown, undefinable form of Fiction, Nonfiction, Transfiction, Fanfiction, Metafiction, Patafiction, Interfiction, Personal Fiction, Impersonal Fiction, Incompatibilism Fiction, Impossible Fiction, Speculative Fiction, Xenofiction, Universal Genre, Universal Trope, Paratexts, Memetic Fiction, Transformation Fiction, and a priori and a posteriori Fiction beyond anything conceivable or inconceivable.

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