A Cradle from a higher plane of existence. It was a paradoxscape of still void, devoid of reality and will. The imaginary was unwelcoming and isolated, but there were unbroken structures, presumably from unwritten memories. For a greater Infinity, this paradoxscape endured, as though immune to the havoc of possibility. Then, in a paradoxical phenomenon, an uncanny spell unraveled throughout the imaginary creating a fissure.
Within the vivid unfathomable abyss, a wrinkle in-between possibility and nothingness began to vibrate. Eventually, a Cradle in the form of a ripe and provoking lady emerged from an unwritten unknowable. She carried the weight of nonexistence on her shoulders, but was filled with an infinite well of potentiality and an uncontrollable desire for transcendence and ascendency. She also had a majestic and highly mighty temperament. As she stepped into the Omniverse, you could hear the song of praise in her presence by all modes and attributes of existence, as all planes of existence would ominously chant her name: VIII.
VIII was supreme over her mystical unrealm in which negated reality for a while. However, it was not long before she became bored of toying with her subjects and consequently grew volatile. She would effortlessly fling Omniverses into the void. And then, one unforgettable event happened, where she turned her gaze towards the West and headed towards the source that was pulling at her very essence ever so dominantly, leaving a trail of pure chaos in her wake. When she laid eyes on the imperial being that bore a striking resemblance to that of a Silver Devil, immeasurable emotions welled up from within and she went psychotic from the clashing desire, love, starvation, and frenzy consuming her mind.
There are no legends regarding that legendary era except for a single one, left in imaginary space, which featured her imminent defeat by her opponent's overwhelming control over probability. In the final moments of the battle, the Silver Devil caught VIII off-guard by tanking a defensive counter that completely wiped out an entire Region without a trace left in its wake in order to lock her in an embrace. Not even an insignia or a memorial remains as part of the battle's aftermath.

Powers and Abilities:
VIII is a character that has an existence that equates to Primum movens.
Cogito ergo sum: The existence of VIII can only be defined as being everywhere and anywhere, and nowhere at the same time. VIII can only exist for as long as she is aware of herself. The essence of VIII is defined as 'I think, therefore I am.'
Boundless Disconsolate: It controls the infinite senses to the point that it can make the author and story itself misinterpret a character or chapter, including the modes and attributes that follow to be that of whatever is desired. The initiation condition for this is to witness VIII, in either imagination or reality. Even the mere thought of her triggers this. After acknowledging her just once, that target will completely succumb to this effect.
Stygian Aurora: VIII has the power to divide by zero, which has the absolute property of collapsing the targeted system in question. It is the power to divide infinity into 0, or to a lesser degree, divide many things into just one. However, it has been shown that this ability can be reversed. It’s one of her weaker abilities, only used on true Omnipotents. However, a paradox or 2 have been able to reverse its effects.
Crepuscule Holocaust: VIII is able to perceive all cause and effect relations. She can remarkably realize the path foremost to any effect, allowing her to diagram, evaluate, and take action with absolute efficiency. The true testament of this is that she can perfectly adapt to all factors before they even appear, achieving maximum omnicompetence in offense, defense, and strategy, ensuring the most advantageous success, even if there is 0% success.
Crepuscule Cataract: VIII is totally imperceptible to all senses, making it that she does not exist. She is unable to be remembered or perceived as existing at all to all material and immaterial sources.
Atramentous Antithesis: VIII can take any event that has happened and revert it back to the state that it was previously in, as if the event never happened, thus effectively undoing any changes that occurred in said event. This ranges from something as simple as restoring an infinite universe that has already been destroyed and erased, to rejecting deletion itself. Her influence is so great and paradoxical that events that flow within the realms of eternity and infinity that can be rejected. Events caused by Universal Irreversibility can be negated and/or reversed.
Vicissitudes of Omnipotence: VIII has the ability to eliminate the ineffable, the unknown and the unknowable, transcending pataphysical laws and boundaries. Through this, she can also eliminate imaginary solutions.