Wednesday Without Death
“I am enough of a composer to illustrate freely upon my imagescape. Imagescape is more imperative than awareness. Awareness is subtle. Imagescape…on a Wednesday, encircles the narrative.”
With the influx of the enemy armies came the continuous quantum forecast and metaphysical analysis of every fragment they could find. It seemed that the armies were overconfident in their greater sum-a flaw that Wednesday Without Death proposed to point out (both factually and metaphorically) to her associates. As they assembled at the convocation, it became obvious that the armies surpassed the reality of numbers, with each army being mastered by a being that was superior than the 7 Trials to Glory. Wednesday Without Death created a plan in where she would have a few Daggers in suborbital positions, with a strike team on the helm of the vanguard to advance to the highest point at the earliest opportunity in order to dismantle each leader in unison. In the intervening phase in which time could not exist, Wednesday Without Death would lead a single battalion into the Den of Devils and Monarchs. With no other practical options left in possibility and actuality, they began the demanding task of preparing the Omniverse's final defenses. Several phases would pass, as Wednesday Without Death made sure her allies knew what they were up against. This was not going to be a war in which they could win, but a single momentary fight. Soon, they sensed it… the pureness of nothingness as it signaled their enemy's arrival. Universes turned into ash, dimensions were pulled apart, the infinite and the endless were reduced into a memory that never was, and wave function collapses echoed throughout all hypothetical mathematical frameworks of existence. Explosions upon explosions, definitions falling from place; the battle was here. Wednesday Without Death knew that this was just the beginning, and as she joined the others in the assault, the battlefield almost retreated as it could see the forbidding fortitude in her eyes.
Powers and Abilities:
Born on a Wednesday: Wednesday Without Death exists independently of any perceiver and progresses at a consistent pace throughout akin to herself – from herself. Unlike relative dimensions, and lower one like time, Born on a Wednesday is an attribute that is imperceptible and cannot even be understood mathematically.
Royal Hunting Ground: Wednesday Without Death blurs the principle of determinism, creating a formulated fallacy in which facts about the past, that which was written, and phases already acted upon metaphysically can be undone, or have all future facts determined or necessitated. Royal Hunting Ground controls statements of law and statements of particular fact at a time, as well as statements of particular fact at any later time. Royal Hunting Ground takes into account that universal systems that state that determinism neither entails physicalism nor is entailed by it, possible worlds where determinism is true and physicalism false; e.g., worlds where minds are nonphysical things which nevertheless obey deterministic laws. And there are possible worlds (perhaps our own) where physicalism is true and determinism is false. When this comes into conflict, Royal Hunting Ground blurs the principle Pure Act and Will.
No Man’s Land: Wednesday Without Death is able to interestingly control Choice and Consequence as a chain. Because narrative causality dictates that everything is a story, it is equally true that there are parts of the universe already laid down that absolutely appoint and decree what the other parts shall be. The future and the endless have no ambiguous possibilities hidden in the writing on the walls. The part that we call the present is attuned with only one totality. Any other future possibility than the one fixed from eternity is impossible. The whole is in each and every part and welds it with the rest into an absolute unity, in which there can be no equivocation or silhouette of spiraling…. necessity on the one hand and impossibility on the other are the sole categories of the real. Possibilities that fail to get realized are, for this ability, pure illusions; they never were possibilities at all. Wednesday Without Death is able to see the list of “Choices” that can be made and the “Consequences” that follow and alter the narrative to follow
Godsgrave: Wednesday Without Death is able to exile a mode or attribute from Continuity, making it that a character or a specific element or elements of a universe that are declared off-limits for potentiality or actuality, be it in-universe or in another version of that universe. Depending on the scope of the cosmic hierarchy, some modes and attributes are made non-canonical as they technically still exist, but can't be used depending on the situation – shifting their status to simply imaginary.
Etiology Manipulation: This is a Suggs, giving Wednesday Without Death monarchy over causation, or origination. She can completely create the causes, origins, or reasons behind the way that things are, or the way they function, or to the causes themselves. She can decide the reference to the causes or origins of various phenomena. In any instance, where physical phenomena are not well understood or when histories are not recorded or even provided within the narrative of the Verse, she can provide etiologies. Thus, an etiological narrative, or origin narrative, is a narrative causality that has arisen, been told over time or written to explain the origins of various collective or natural phenomena.