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"To grasp the nature of existence, one must first transcend the illusions of reality and delve into the enigmatic realm of unreality."

Photo NovelWebsite Exclusive
PhysiologyBlack Tenet
HeightImmeasurable by Human Comprehension
WeightImmeasurable by Human Comprehension
Eye ColorRed
Hair ColorBlack
Birth DateInapplicable
Birth PlaceInapplicable
StatusBeyond Existence and Nonexistence
GenderMasculine Principle
Love InterestsNone

Dynatherium is a character that appears on www.heirtothestars.com.

Dynatherium is a complex and multifaceted individual whose personality is shaped by his profound understanding of reality and his relentless pursuit of knowledge. His enigmatic nature and cryptic responses to accusations reflect a mind that operates on a plane beyond ordinary comprehension. He is driven by a deep curiosity and an insatiable desire to uncover the fundamental truths of existence, regardless of the moral implications.

Despite his fearsome reputation, Dynatherium operates with a strict code of loyalty and duty, placing immense value on the fulfillment of one's contract and obligations. His interactions are marked by a sense of calculated detachment, as he views the world through the lens of his black ontological inquiries. This detachment allows him to make decisions with ruthless efficiency, always striving to further his understanding of the cosmos.


Dynatherium's rise to prominence in the ruined Lionsworn Empire was marked by his unwavering dedication to the exploration and mastery of sorcery. As the trusted supervisor of all magicians under the Lion Emperor, Dynatherium oversaw countless experiments and zealous research endeavors, particularly focusing on the enigmatic and unpredictable forces of chaos magick. His self-proclaimed title of "black ontologist" hints at his profound and often unsettling philosophical inquiries into the nature of reality and existence.

Rumors circulated about the lengths to which Dynatherium went in his quest for knowledge, including alleged human experiments to uncover new techniques. When confronted with these accusations, he would respond with a cryptic smile, neither confirming nor denying the dark whispers. His ability to manipulate elements, objects, and chaos itself grew as his research progressed, earning him both fear and reverence.

As his interests shifted from the tangible reality to the mysterious realm of unreality, Dynatherium's powers became even more formidable. The unproven but widely believed notion that he discovered a potent new form of magick before the great war with the Deus only added to his mystique. Some speculated that it was this newfound power that incited the wrath of the Deus, leading to the empire's downfall.

During the empire's final days, facing the onslaught of the Deus' attack, Dynatherium chose to unveil the fruits of his research. He had developed the ability to sublimate unreality, transforming human soldiers into imaginary fighters with immense power, albeit at the cost of their physical forms. These imaginary warriors, while fearsome, could not halt the Deus' relentless advance.

As the great war neared its end, Dynatherium and his extensive research facility vanished without a trace. In the aftermath, tales emerged of a silver devil who appeared on the battlefield during the Lionsworn Army's last stand against the Deus. This mysterious figure annihilated the Deus forces in an instant, leading many to believe that Dynatherium had transcended his immortal limitations to become an ineffable being of unimaginable power.

Dynatherium hails from an erased Omniverse, where he achieves the impossible by overcoming the supreme beings known as Deus. These entities transcend the limitations of the space-time continuum and the very concepts of dimension, form, and change. Deus represents an eternal and unchanging reality that encompasses infinite Omniverses, each with an ever-increasing complexity of beyond dimensional realities. Within Deus, everything that has ever occurred and ever will occur exists simultaneously, beyond the grasp of human comprehension.

Deus, as the ultimate context and totality of Reality, defies all descriptive names and conceptualizations. Even the notion of "Absolute Infinity" is rendered meaningless in the presence of Deus. Deus embodies the "Absolute Wholeness" as well as the "Absolute Nothingness," transcending all human thought and understanding. Dynatherium, through sheer will and mastery of his blade, slashed through the countless Deus, ultimately transcending the void beyond and ascending to the doorstep of the cosmic hierarchy of the Heir to the Stars.


Dynatherium utilizes Suggsphysics to command the "Hienshunrenzan" of Black Ontology.

Hienshunrenzan: Dynatherium slashes down, thrusts, punts with his fist, and spins around to let loose a high uppercut with his blade that emits ∀ntithesis transfictional negative energy in the personal, impersonal, and transpersonal space surrounding the target, with a final ∀ntithesis ineffable slash manifesting endlessly in the center of the target's principle that endlessly negates the modes and attributes of the transfictional narrative target.

Hienshunrenzan II: Dynatherium raises his sword and a wall of searing negative energy scorches (and negates the manifest be-ness) those close, then he hacks away at his target with ∀ntithesis searing slashes until ready to fire a huge beam of negative energy that annihilates the boundless expanse of stillness completely before him to endlessly remove the be-ness and wholeness of the transfictional narrative target.

Hienshunrenzan III: Dynatherium generates a glyph that appears on the ground below the target, and multiple raging lions of light strike the target. A lion of energy above the target area sends up claws that impale the target, and then the entire area negates a boundless expanse of the void beyond and unmanifest be-ness that endlessly counters and retroactively denies the absolute boundless multiplicity transcendental hierarchy of the boundless layers of the Transhierarchical actuality of the transfictional narrative target.

Posted by Suggsverse