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Hidden Chapter: “The Engineer’s Path”

Table of Contents

    Meeting Aeon’s Party in Lyrixusc

    Kashtira’s day at the Frisson Skysworn Factory in Lyrixusc was progressing as usual, filled with the hum of machinery and the familiar clang of tools as she worked on her projects. Her focus was interrupted when three strangers arrived, seeking to borrow a skysworn to aid in their travels across Aesarthim. Aeon, Vayne, and Alize had heard of Lyrixusc’s famed engineering prowess and hoped to secure a vessel to expedite their journey.

    Kashtira, however, was bound by the strict regulations of her workshop. The skysworns she helped maintain were considered military property, reserved for use by the government and its sanctioned operations. Though she sympathized with the trio’s plight, she was not in a position to grant their request. Her dreams of building skysworns to unite the world did not include aiding in military endeavors, and she feared what might happen if these vessels fell into the wrong hands.

    Yet, as she listened to the group discuss their plans to travel to The Pendulum Monolith—a place where rare voidore could be found—Kashtira’s interest was piqued. The voidore was a crucial component for her own skysworn designs, a material that could bring her one step closer to realizing her dream. Seeing an opportunity, she made them an offer: she would guide them to The Pendulum Monolith if they agreed to act as her bodyguards during the journey. Though hesitant, Aeon’s group recognized the mutual benefit of the arrangement and accepted her proposal.

    The Journey through Reclusia Horizon

    The path to The Pendulum Monolith was fraught with danger, and as they ventured through the Reclusia Horizon, they were confronted by one of Aesarthim’s most fearsome entities—the Darkness Beyond Time. The battle that ensued tested the mettle of Aeon’s party, but with Kashtira’s technical expertise and the team’s combat prowess, they emerged victorious. Their triumph, however, was short-lived, as a mysterious Harlequin appeared, bearing dire news.

    The Harlequin spoke of her friends being taken by a figure cloaked in an aura so powerful it seemed to warp the very air around it. The figure had retreated to a place known as The Maximus Abyss, a void-infested expanse where few dared to venture. Concerned for the Harlequin’s friends and sensing a deeper connection to their quest, the group decided to investigate.

    Encountering the Keepsake of the Acclamation

    The journey to The Maximus Abyss was perilous, with the oppressive atmosphere of the void bearing down on them. When they finally arrived, they found the aura-cloaked figure standing over an unconscious Harlequin. The figure removed his mask, revealing a man whose presence exuded both power and despair. He introduced himself as the Keepsake of the Acclamation, one of the Cosmolantis of Visaskarma.

    Kashtira felt a chill run down her spine as she observed the Keepsake of the Acclamation. His aura was unlike anything she had encountered before—an overwhelming force that seemed to bend reality itself. Despite the fear that gripped her, Kashtira and her companions steeled themselves for battle. The fight was brutal, with the Keepsake of the Acclamation demonstrating a level of power that nearly overwhelmed them. However, through their combined efforts, they managed to drive him away, though he left with a promise that their paths would cross again.

    As the Keepsake of the Acclamation vanished into the void, the Harlequin awoke, but her expression was one of shock and fear. She had seen the Keepsake of the Acclamation without his mask, and the sight of his true face left her visibly shaken. Despite the harrowing encounter, the group knew they had to press on.

    The Frisson Skysworn Factory and Daien’s Betrayal

    Their journey continued, leading them to the abandoned Frisson Skysworn Factory—a place once filled with the dreams of engineers like Kashtira. It was here that they stumbled upon a sight that both thrilled and horrified her: the construction of the Infinity Fortress, an enormous skysworn unlike any other. But it wasn’t the size of the skysworn that shocked her—it was the presence of her brother, Daien, working on the project.

    Kashtira’s heart ached as she watched Daien labor on the Infinity Fortress. She could see that he had changed, that something had taken hold of him and twisted his once noble intentions. Before she could confront him, Daien summoned a Guardian Beast to protect the skysworn, forcing Kashtira and her companions to flee. The realization that her brother was involved with the Keepsake of the Acclamation left her shaken, but there was no time to dwell on it. They had to continue their mission.

    Kashtira’s Resolve at The Allomerus Keep

    At The Allomerus Keep, Kashtira’s resolve was tested once more. After witnessing the cold, unfeeling cruelty of the Keepsake of the Acclamation, she knew she could no longer remain on the sidelines. The ideals she had once held dear—of building skysworns to unite the world—seemed distant in the face of the devastation wrought by the Keepsakes. With a heavy heart, Kashtira made a fateful decision: she would permanently join Aeon’s team, lending her skills and knowledge to their cause.

    The final leg of their journey brought them to The Pendulum Monolith, where they confronted the Keepsake of the Acclamation once again. The battle was fierce, and though they managed to defeat him, it came at a cost. The Keepsake of the Acclamation’s helm shattered in the fight, revealing his true face—a face Kashtira recognized all too well.

    Despite the shock of this revelation, the Keepsake of the Acclamation was undeterred. With a final, desperate act, he destroyed the Pendulum Aliezmus, breaking the seal on the Paradox Veiler and ensuring that the Infinity Fortress would have the power it needed to complete the Keepsakes’ plan. As he teleported away, Kashtira felt a mixture of grief and determination. She had seen her brother’s face beneath the helm, and it was clear that the man she once knew was gone.

    A New Path Forward

    Shaken but resolute, Kashtira knew that they had no choice but to continue their mission. She requested a skysworn from the military, determined to reach Daiodiaz and stop the Keepsakes from completing their plan. Her dream of uniting the world through skysworns had taken a dark turn, but she was not ready to give up. With Aeon, Vayne, and Alize by her side, Kashtira prepared for the battles ahead, knowing that the fate of Aesarthim hung in the balance.

    Posted by Suggsverse