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Oblivionia Netherend

"Perfection is not a goal; it is my nature. Everything I touch, I refine until it reflects the brilliance I demand."

Photo NovelWebsite Exclusive
Eye ColorEmerald
Hair ColorBlack
Birth DateUnknown
Birth PlaceUnknown
Love InterestsNone

Oblivionia Netherend is a character that appears on www.heirtothestars.com.

Oblivionia Netherend is a woman who embodies the concept of perfection—physically, intellectually, and socially. Her beauty is legendary, an ethereal allure that captivates all who gaze upon her. Yet, beneath her flawless exterior lies a mind of staggering intellect, capable of mastering any discipline and solving the most complex of problems with ease. Oblivionia is coldly calculating, always several steps ahead of her opponents, and she wields her beauty and intellect as weapons to manipulate those around her.

She is a woman without regrets, driven by an unshakable confidence in her decisions. Oblivionia is fully aware of the power she holds and revels in it, using her influence to shape the world according to her vision. She is a pragmatist who understands that power, beauty, and intelligence are the ultimate currencies, and she has them all in abundance. Despite her ruthlessness, she carries herself with grace and elegance, making her a formidable and captivating presence both in the boardroom and on the global stage.


Born into one of the wealthiest and most influential families in Xnozamist, Oblivionia Netherend was destined for greatness from the moment she came into the world. Her early life was marked by the constant honing of her talents, both physical and intellectual. By the age of ten, she had already begun mastering advanced disciplines, from quantum physics to arcane magic. Her beauty blossomed alongside her intellect, making her a figure of fascination and envy among her peers.

As she grew older, Oblivionia expanded her influence by entering the world of business. By twenty, she had already established several multi-centillion dollar companies, dominating industries such as fashion, technology, finance, and entertainment. Her public persona as a supermodel and business mogul was merely the surface; behind the scenes, she was deeply involved in the clandestine operations of Mericross, using her businesses as fronts for dark dealings that ranged from human trafficking to corporate espionage.

Within Mericross, she earned the title of Queen of Obsidian, reflecting both her impenetrable will and her mastery over the darker aspects of existence. Oblivionia's involvement in the occult granted her powers that went far beyond mortal understanding, allowing her to manipulate reality, bend others to her will, and ensure that her vision for the world became reality.

To see Hidden Chapter: The Enchantress of Shadows

To see history, see Xnozamist storyline.

Skills and Abilities

Infinite-Level Polymathy: Oblivionia possesses an intellect that transcends the boundaries of any single discipline. She is a master of every field of study, capable of solving the most complex problems and understanding the deepest mysteries of the universe.

Business Mogul: Oblivionia owns and operates several multi-centillion dollar companies, dominating various industries through her unparalleled business acumen. Her influence in the corporate world is absolute, and she uses her businesses as tools for both legitimate and clandestine operations.

Arcane Mastery: Oblivionia has forged pacts with powerful entities from beyond reality, granting her access to arcane knowledge and abilities that allow her to manipulate reality, time, and the will of others.

Beauty as Power: Her otherworldly beauty is not just a physical attribute but a form of influence. She can captivate and control those around her, bending them to her will with a mere glance or word.

Reality Manipulation: Oblivionia’s knowledge of the arcane and her infinite-level intellect allow her to subtly alter reality itself. She can influence events, perceptions, and even the flow of time to suit her needs.


Oblivionia Netherend utilizes Suggsphysics to command the following:

Counter-Force Manipulation:

Oblivionia Netherend wields the formidable power of Counter-Force Manipulation, a skill that allows her to nullify and counteract any force, event, or power that stands in her way. Whether it's a physical attack, a supernatural ability, a catastrophic event, or even the willful choice of an adversary, Oblivionia can effortlessly turn the tide in her favor. Her mastery of this power enables her to not only deflect or negate any threat but to reshape the outcome entirely to suit her needs.

When faced with an enemy's attack—be it the raw force of matter, the intangible flow of energy, or the crushing weight of destiny itself—Oblivionia can generate a counter-force that neutralizes the assault with surgical precision. For instance, if an opponent hurls destructive energy toward her, she might respond by summoning void, swallowing the attack into nothingness. If faced with overwhelming odds, she can wipe out an entire army with a mere thought, protecting her interests and ensuring her dominance.

Oblivionia’s power goes beyond mere defense. She doesn’t just counteract negative situations—she resolves them in ways that ensure her complete control. This ability allows her to influence and change the course of events, bending them to her will. She can not only negate a harmful scenario but also manipulate the very nature of the outcome, turning potential disasters into opportunities for advancement.

Moreover, Oblivionia's power extends to the manipulation of people. She can subtly alter a person's thoughts, decisions, and intentions, effectively countering their resistance and aligning them with her objectives. Through this, she doesn't just negate challenges—she eliminates them at their source, leaving no room for future dissent.

In any situation, Oblivionia is always armed with the perfect counter. Her ability to respond to any threat, challenge, or opportunity with precisely the right force or influence makes her an invincible force within the world of Xnozamist. Oblivionia Netherend, with her mastery of Counter-Force Manipulation, stands as a figure of unparalleled power—able to bend reality itself to ensure that nothing and no one can ever stand in her way.

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