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Vexallus Voidheart

"Victory is not just about defeating your enemies; it is about reshaping the world in your image."

Photo NovelWebsite Exclusive
Eye ColorHazel
Hair ColorBlack
Birth DateUnknown
Birth PlaceUnknown
Love InterestsNone

Vexallus Voidheart is a character that appears on www.heirtothestars.com.

Vexallus Voidheart is the embodiment of cold, calculated chaos. He is a man driven by an insatiable desire for control, not just over the world of Xnozamist, but over reality itself. His demeanor is often calm and composed, hiding the storm of dark ambitions and ruthless cunning that define his every move. Vexallus is a master strategist, always several steps ahead of his enemies, and he uses his vast intellect to manipulate events and people with chilling precision.

As the only Devil to ascend to the Inner Circle of Mericross, Vexallus possesses a unique blend of dark charisma and fearsome power. He is known for his ability to bend others to his will, using their deepest fears and desires against them. Despite his edge and ruthlessness, Vexallus maintains an air of detachment, as if the world and all its conflicts are merely pieces in a grand game that only he understands.


Vexallus Voidheart was born during one of the most tumultuous periods in Xnozamist's history—the Ogre War. Once a mortal man, Vexallus was transformed into a Devil during the war, gaining paracausal abilities that made him a being of immense power. Unlike other Devils, who were consumed by their new powers, Vexallus mastered his, using his intellect to control and enhance his abilities rather than be controlled by them.

During the Ogre War, Vexallus served as a tactician and strategist, orchestrating battles with a level of precision that turned the tide of conflict. His mastery over chaos allowed him to manipulate events to his favor, often leading to victories that seemed impossible. It was during this time that he earned a reputation for being both feared and respected, a Devil who could not only wield immense power but do so with cold, calculated efficiency.

After the war, Vexallus sought out Mericross, seeing in the organization a means to further his ambitions. Through a series of dark dealings, betrayals, and strategic alliances, he rose to power within the organization, eventually earning a place in the Inner Circle. Vexallus's role within Mericross is one of chaos and destruction—he is the architect of wars, the manipulator of minds, and the master of all things dark and forbidden.

To see the Hidden Chapter: The Dark Architect of Chaos

To see history, see Xnozamist storyline.

Skills and Abilities

Strategic Genius: As a hyper-level polymath, Vexallus excels in strategy and tactics. He is always several steps ahead, orchestrating complex plans that often result in the complete domination of his enemies.

Psychological Manipulation: Vexallus is a master of the human mind, understanding its weaknesses and exploiting them to control others. His ability to instill fear, despair, and desire makes him a dangerous manipulator.

Arcane Knowledge: Vexallus has extensive knowledge of the arcane and forbidden sciences, allowing him to tap into powers and entities beyond mortal comprehension. This knowledge makes him a formidable force in both the physical and metaphysical realms.

Influence within Mericross: As a member of the Inner Circle, Vexallus holds significant power within Mericross. His dark dealings and strategic manipulations have solidified his position, making him one of the most influential figures in the organization.


Vexallus Voidheart utilizes Suggsphysics to command the following:

Reality Rejection:

Vexallus Voidheart wields the formidable power of Reality Rejection, an ability that allows him to defy and rewrite the very fabric of existence. Through this power, Vexallus can achieve supernatural feats by outright rejecting the aspects of reality that limit others. He can deny physical damage, rendering himself indestructible by simply refusing to acknowledge the harm done to his body. The laws of physics hold no sway over him, as he can choose to ignore them, enabling him to perform impossible actions with ease.

This power also grants Vexallus a form of immortality, as he can reject the concepts of death and aging, ensuring that neither time nor mortality can claim him. Whether faced with a fatal wound or the inexorable passage of time, Vexallus can rewrite these occurrences as mere illusions, dreams that have no bearing on his existence.

At its core, Reality Rejection allows Vexallus to override the rules of reality itself. He can refuse to accept death, rewriting a lethal attack or mortal injury into something inconsequential—a fleeting dream that leaves no lasting impact. This ability makes him an almost unstoppable force, as any attempt to bind him by the laws of reality can be effortlessly undone by his will.

Vexallus Voidheart’s mastery of Reality Rejection places him above the constraints that bind others, allowing him to manipulate the very essence of existence to suit his dark designs. In his hands, reality is not a fixed state but a malleable concept, one that he can twist, deny, and reshape at will, making him a truly fearsome presence in the world of Xnozamist.

Posted by Suggsverse