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The amount of THE ALL that exists is “similar” to the hierarchy of inaccessible cardinal principles. Each ‘THE ALL’ is confined within outer-transcendent planes. Once entering into the Regions, the levels of trans-possibility and meta-actuality opens up the door to new truths.

“Regions,” which by definition encompasses everything ranging from all of fiction, all of nonfiction, all of transfiction, all of fanfiction, all of metafiction, all of patafiction, all interfiction, all of personal fiction, and all of impersonal fiction. Every form of existence and nonexistence ever mentioned or seen (and above the absolute transconceptual inaccessible cardinal multiplicity amount never mentioned, seen, or even conceived of yet…) in possibility, uncertainty, and actuality are within “1” Region. The amount of Regions that exist within an Allscape is beyond all abstract Mathematics, Eternalisms, Actualisms, Infinitisms, Possiblisms, and Totalities. Each one encompasses the same attributes and modes.

NOTE: Infinite is just an expression akin to the End of Infinity at this point. It’s not actually the "infinite", but something akin to infinite on a much greater scale – a transconceptual transcendence that is similar to infinite in scope but NOT on the smaller scale like the End of Infinity which might as well be fiction in comparison to the expression used with Regions and Beyond.

Posted by Suggsverse