Entropy’s End
In predicate suggslogic, Entropy's End denies universal quantification on any formalization. The notion that something (a logical predicate) is true for everything or every relevant thing is denied. The be-ness of retrocausality is ignored, and nonexistence is maximized to its highest degree.
The resulting statements that are universally quantified statements, and are universally quantified over the predicate are denied and closed.
- Entropy's End denies symbolic logic, more importantly, the omniversal quantifier that is the symbol used to denote omniversal quantification, and is often informally read as "beyond any" or "beyond all". Omniversal quantification is distinct from existential quantification ("there exists"), which asserts that the property or relation holds for at least one member of the domain -- which Entropy's End also denies and closes.
Entropy's End nullifies the ever-increasing complexity of the mathematics of each new actuality. Entropy's End negates the ever deeper more abstract number of ever-transcendent fundamental boundless constants. Entropy's End negates the process of "meaning" simplification, denying it from continuing indefinitely.