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"Victory is but a hollow echo amidst the screams of the fallen."

Acarinus in his Battlesworn gear
Photo NovelWebsite Exclusive
Weight195 lbs
Eye ColorFire
Hair ColorBlack
Birth DateUnknown
Birth PlaceUnknown
Love InterestsNone

Acarinus is a character that appears on www.heirtothestars.com.

Acarinus is haunted by his past and driven by a singular purpose: vengeance against the Krill. Though once consumed by rage and chaos, he now possesses a newfound clarity and determination, tempered by the trials he has endured. Despite his past, he harbors a sense of remorse for the actions he was compelled to commit and seeks to atone for his sins.


Kidnapped from the warm embrace of his parents by the cruel agents of the Krill, Acarinus entered the world with pain as his only constant companion. Sequestered in isolation, his childhood unfolded amidst the echoes of his captors' demands and the brutal lessons of combat. Within the confines of his bleak existence, Acarinus discovered a natural aptitude for violence, his limbs moving with deadly precision as he honed his skills in the art of battle. Yet, amidst the clangor of conflict, a gnawing silence haunted his mind, breeding doubts that gnarled like thorns around the fragile tendrils of his sanity.

Forced to confront the horrors of his existence, Acarinus sought solace in the cacophony of warfare, hurling himself into the fray with reckless abandon. Though victory brought fleeting moments of adulation and affection from his companions, he found no comfort in their embrace, preferring the cold embrace of solitude. As the specter of violence consumed his days, laughter became a distant memory, drowned out by the anguished cries of his victims.

But with mastery came madness, his berserker rages threatening to engulf him in a tempest of bloodlust. Despite the Krill's attempts to tether his unruly nature, Acarinus found himself shackled by his own ferocity, condemned to languish in a slumber of enforced hibernation. Time drifted like sand through the hourglass, until the cosmic forces of destiny intervened, weaving a spell of serenity around his fractured mind.

Awakening to a world bathed in the gentle hues of enchantment, Acarinus found himself bound not by chains of steel, but by the soothing embrace of magic. Guided by the gentle touch of his rescuers, particularly the conjurer whose sorcery tempered his volatile spirit, he glimpsed the depths of despair wrought by his unwitting complicity in the Krill's atrocities.

Fuelled by righteous fury, Acarinus vowed to vanquish the shadows of his past and confront the malevolent specter of the Krill. With every fiber of his being aflame with determination, he embarked on a quest for vengeance, driven by the relentless pursuit of truth and the elusive echoes of his lost family.

Posted by Suggsverse