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This is the realm that dominantly deals with all attributes and modes of:

⦨0⦭. Index

Aheimopulus exists on a level that is utterly beyond the comprehension of ♠The Ace of Spades♠, causing its nature to be perceived as that of a transcendence beyond agency of the CREATOR, though that is strictly from the limited perspective of lower entities, such as The Ace of Spades.

⦨ã⦭. Outline

The outline of Aheimopulus is that the underlying principle is that absolute Vārvaḍavzūha that encompasses Verseology, standing outside of its deepest reaches, beyond all narratives and the stories which form around it, being the crumbling point in which all things cease to be, and the background of all stories and ideas within Heir to the Stars itself, as Aheimopulus has surpassed the CREATOR of Heir to the Stars and its cosmology.

⦨२⦭. Problems

The Problems is an ancient equation (not of mathematics) in Aheimopulus about whether anomalies exist. The problem arises from attempts to account for the eventuality of a singular anomalic equation of an attribute that disagrees among Omniversals. For example, ♠The Jack of Spades♠ and Swan Maidens are similar or agree in attribute, namely in having the attribute of being beyond the necessity of Omni. The issue is how to account for this sort of agreement in attribute among identities and why this equation can override core fundamentals.

⦨त्रि-विमा⦭. Publications

Publications are that which gives creation to Authors. In other words, Publication gives the authority for an Author to show that said Author can control the story without any limit. In essence, the Author has MetaPlot Control, MetaOmnipotence, MetaOmniscience, and MetaOmnipresence. They are the divine narration of the story and the dictator of reality. However, Publication can easily change the Author or overwrite that which has been established. Publication is itself an unobservable equation.

⦨paJ⦭. Theories

Before the presence precedes nonexistence to existence, the target’s paralogical bridge is erased, the aegis of reason collapses, and the target is stripped of all predicates. Connections, Attributes, and Modes are denied. Perspectives and Observation are blocked from Nothingness, Totality, and Possibility, leaving a road that guides akin into itself. Absolute Certainties, Meta-Probabilities, Paradoxes, Inconceivabilities, and Ultimates are divided by Vārvaḍavzūha and < eternities of magnitudes < absolute inaccessible totalities < lower than below absolute < nothingness of a lower Vārvaḍavzūha, which then subdivides the logic of the former below itself into a decreasing dividing loop. This in essence allows for divergent paths to be formed to create a new logic or reasoning behind an existence.

⦨2≡♠⦭. Glossary

The Glossary is exactly what it implies, as one who utilizes Aheimopulus sees Heir to the Stars a just a sheet of paper from their perspective, and their "will" always existed beyond anything that can be drawn in it, with multiple layers of fiction within fiction, transfiction within transfiction, fanfiction within fanfiction, metafiction within metafiction, patafiction within patafiction, interfiction within interfiction, personal fiction within personal fiction and impersonal fiction within impersonal fiction representing the perspective of the "Real World" being ultimately still less than all fictional simulations of it and under the full control of Aheimopulus.

Aheimopulus is it's own Nonfictional MetaOmnipotence, Transfictional MetaOmnipotence, Fanfictional MetaOmnipotence, Metafictional MetaOmnipotence, Patafictional MetaOmnipotence, Interfictional MetaOmnipotence, Personal fictional MetaOmnipotence, and Impersonal fictional MetaOmnipotence.

⦨∀⦭. Philosophy 

Everything that follows this paragraph is part of this particular section. This is the Philosophy that Humans, Metahumans and Transcendent Humans have access to, not to say that other entities do not have access to it, but they are beyond the necessity of it. This Philosophy is actualized through the possibility of a Tier 8 agent gaining access to higher level principles. The First Signature, Ldrajononesimus, Vyrcus, Isilmarronax, Emmexenedrbreaus, C’Neliserie I'sensin, and Lionardanelles are all sub-principles attached to this Philosophy.

The First Signature

Within the philosophy of Aheimopulus, The First Signature is similar to the concept of a pattern, in which everything and nothing possess that integrity independent of the medium in which identifies them. It is the subject and object of the type, change and identity of a target, which completely cannot be doubted. In essence, it is the definite self of that of an unwritten equation that precedes the nonexistence and existence that precedes the character in which is being signed to be.


Within the philosophy of Aheimopulus, Ldrajononesimus denies the metadecidability unprovability of a complete singularity of inaccessible independence. With a construction: =0÷0{♠,x♠para A : x♠nil♠in 8(x)♠,Ω∞α

This equation is implemented within one of the 4 the innate Suggsverse traits that characters possesses:

Vyrcus, Isilmarronax, Emmexenedrbreaus, C’Neliserie I'sensin, and Lionardanelles


Vyrcus is an acausal para-inverse-dimensional transconcept that usually manifests in the form of a rabbit silhouette encompassed by πέρα-possible irregular star (self-intersecting) polyhedrons -- each with 20 identical self-intersecting enneagrammic faces, 90 edges, and 60 vertices.

On Defense: On defense, Vyrcus negates the paratext in which can affect the user, transcending the necessity of truth, being able to create a truth that is in real truth without requiring proof for that truth. This is established through a grand conversion effect from which perspective on the ground scale denies notions of Meta-Omnipotence, Meta-Omniscience, and Meta-Omnipresence and Pure Act, thus opening up a red door from before the beginning of the hidden track of Nothingness, Totality, and Possibility; the basis in which the former three are defined. In the unchanging preface and afterword of said Vyrcus, all fictional viewpoints, all nonfictional viewpoints, all transfictional viewpoints, all fanfictional viewpoints, all metafictional viewpoints, all of patafictional viewpoints, all interfictional viewpoints, all personal fictional viewpoints, and all impersonal fictional viewpoints are subreversed inverse into an unchangeable unavailable attribute, mode, and absolute perfection. On the most basic level, Meta-Probabilities and Para-Absolute Certainties against the user generate no value.

On Offense: On offense, Vyrcus transcends the embodiment of the author's will, even the narrative objectives (which are also expressions of the writer's will), multiplying the defensive concepts of evasion, escape, endurance, resistance, shields, barriers, restoration, possibility, and nothingness by a factor < eternities of magnitudes < absolute infinitudes < lower than below absolute < nothingness of 0, which then subdivides logic, metalogic, perspective, concepts, metaphysical concepts, and pataphysical paraconcepts by alémlevels even less than the former multiplication. On the most basic level, Meta-Probabilities and Para-Absolute Certainties against the target generates greater than absolute value.

Unobservables, preperspectives, and impossibilities are outright negated as the very grand principles of Possibility, Totality, and Nothingness are canceled out. Vyrcus steps before the Nonexistence and Existence preceding essence and identity.

Vyrcus establishes a feature that requires no conscious decision on the part of the wielder, thus negating any random or unnoticed potentialities and actualities.


Isilmarronax is an outerhierarchical regress from zero to below the realm in which the concept is defined, designed as a paraperspective axiom for deconstructing and nullifying fully transcendent authoritarian attributes. Isilmarronax takes the form of a brilliant radiating topaz butterfly, fluttering gracefully without vengeance and dominating mercy. 

Through a conversion of Pre-Nihilio and Pre-Possibilism, Isilmarronax takes on the most basic level a Metatheory, turning any physical theory (which is always provisional, in the sense that it is only a hypothesis) into one that can never be proven. In actuality and potentiality, no matter how many spells the results of observations agree with a theory, one can never be sure that the next time the result will not contradict the theory. In this process, Isilmarronax accepts the observation, identity, Change, interpretation, equality and perspective, and converts them into a theory. The theory is taken in as a single observation in which it is disagrees with the predictions established by theory and that which the totality the theory stands on in order to hold value. The conversion process corrects the Metatheory and thus eliminates any taxonomy of potentialities, totalities, uncertainties, and absolute certainties – rearranging them into unattainables by their own incompleteness.

To counter another target, Isilmarronax denies the metadecidability unprovability of a complete singularity of inaccessible independence. With a construction: =0÷0{♠,x♠para A : x♠nil♠in 8(x)♠,Ω∞α

Isilmarronax, unlike Vyrcus (the equivalent of a Hidden Track or 0), is the Introduction. Before the presence precedes nonexistence to existence, the target’s logical bridge is erased, the aegis of reason collapses, and the target is stripped of all predicates. Connections, Attributes, and Modes are denied. Perspectives and Observation are blocked from Nothingness, Totality, and Possibility, leaving a road that guides akin into itself. Absolute Certainties, Meta-Probabilities, Paradoxes, Inconceivabilities, and Ultimates are divided by 0 and < eternities of magnitudes < absolute infinitudes < lower than below absolute < nothingness of a lower 0, which then subdivides the logic of the former below itself into a decreasing dividing loop.

Isilmarronax establishes a feature that requires no stage of conscious decision (including Personal consciousness, Impersonal consciousness, Transcendental consciousness, Metaconsciousness, Paraconsciousness, Lamia's Poison, and Author consciousness) on the part of the wielder, thus negating any random or unnoticed potentialities and actualities.


∀_R (♠) =x/8 and ℘_R (♠) = (⦭+∀)/ⱥ, which creates the paragigasolution of: Xiδ_‰ (₵)\cong ∀_Re;( ₵i2)\ ₵ONCEPTᴓ >∞.

The grand equation above is the Emmexenedrbreaus. It is the equation that elaborates the truth of за-actualism, за-­possibilism and за-uncertainism. While the former (Isilmarronax) dealt more with conversion, Emmexenedrbreaus supersedes, negates, ignores, and has long since transcended the Will of the Plot, Will of the Story, Will of the Verse, Will of the Author as well as the copyright holders and publishers. As a side effect, this equation negates Canon Discontinuity on the user and impedes it onto the target.

This equation was first realized by Lamont Heartfelt Vanity, but was first created by Irihi Fubuki Hibana.

Emmexenedrbreaus is visualized as a Sthesia inverted shine field of raining radiant § sincaller colored Final stellations and Lionnellais rhythm colored butterflies, constantly fluttering through the presence of the paracontextual area – constantly resetting attributes, modes, and categories of existence and nonexistence into < eternities of magnitudes < absolute infinitudes < lower than below absolute < nothingness of a lower 0.

Emmexenedrbreaus is beyond the necessity of Focus, Change, Observation, Perspective, Equality, Action, Pure Act, Will, and Beyond I AM of the user. While this is the form of Suggslogic offense, it eliminates defensive and recovery concepts of hierarchies, reasoning, perception, evasion, escape, endurance, resistance, shields, barriers, restoration, observation, presence, possibility, probability, uncertainty, absolute certainty and nothingness. On offense, the level exceeds beyond impossibilities, Word (Authority) of the Author, Deus ex Machina and Plot Amor. The Nothingness, Totality and Possibility of Narrative Causality is transcended and outright ignored for the offense to happen before any form of potentiality or actuality can be defined on a ground level in which establishes potentiality and actuality to come into Possibility, Nothingness, and Totality.

Emmexenedrbreaus establishes a feature that requires no stage of conscious decision (including Personal consciousness, Impersonal consciousness, Transcendental consciousness, Metaconsciousness, Paraconsciousness, Lamia's Poison, and Author consciousness) on the part of the wielder, thus negating any random or unnoticed potentialities and actualities on offense. However, because of this, the user can outright ignore their target or in most to all cases, never even notice their opponent.

C’Neliserie I'sensin

C’Neliserie I'sensin is a “Truth” conversion process. Exceeding the necessity of the Author is simple. However, one must be able to transcend even that.

C’Neliserie I'sensin specializes in a para-category of < lower than the realm in which < Nothingness is defined, which in essence leads to the Grand Principle – Nothingness.

Through basic pataphysical para-trans-reflection grandlogic principles, a mapping from a category of < Nothingness creates a paraplane as the only fixed point.  Because at its core and on the reality in which it is defined, a reflection is an involution: when applied twice in succession, every point returns to its original location, and every attribute is restored to its original state. In this aspect, the very Will of the Plot / Story / Verse / Author are reflected back onto itself.

C’Neliserie I'sensin is a Suggslogic of an unconditional omni which transcends possibility, totality, nothingness of personal, impersonal, and transpersonal condition. It is non-relative, non-comparative, or without relation to anything else. It is beyond the necessity of itself, which in effect creates a perfect independence and anti-counter hierarchical variable. In other words, is perfect continuous transcendence mode within the harmony of Suggslogic, giving its only necessity, identity, and change the attributes of absolute transcendence. It does not confront, evade, endure; it transcends. However, its effect came from disintegrating Absolute Perfection and Meta-Absolute Perfection – negating concepts of Omni, Non-individualism, Almighty, Non-duality, and Self-Creation. The end result was perfection. However, even Perfect was simply linked with that of Absolute. Through a simple conversion effect, the ground in which defined the former attributes was eliminated, thus eliminating the said attributes and modes and such were denied upon existence and nonexistence. C’Neliserie I'sensin utilizes this Suggslogic as an anti-frequency, disharmonic code, copyright void and definition cancellation effect, in order to establish a ground in which not only the Author cannot stand on or affect, but the Publisher in all aspects as well. The added effect of the “Truth” conversion process in that which reflects, and the constantly transcending of the existence and nonexistence of C’Neliserie I'sensin eliminates the move for realms beyond the modes of beyond the necessity of inevitability, identity, and variation.

C’Neliserie I'sensin, unlike the others, does not possess a feature that requires no stage of conscious decision. This is because C’Neliserie I'sensin erases the realm and ground in which Pure Act is defined when in confrontation with a target. The said target must create a ground in which Pure Act is defined, thus erasing or removing their Pure Self, only to be locked out by the effect of C’Neliserie I'sensin. Self-Creation of the target is denied. Transcendence of the target is denied. C’Neliserie I'sensin creates an empty road in which the target simply cannot exist on, be nonexistent or even mark the presence of the empty road, completely becoming locked on the road under the whim of C’Neliserie I'sensin.


Lionardanelles creates an Author’s Block (at the basic level - Writer's Block), superseding the very Plot / Story / Verse / Author. At this point, the user cannot be blocked, targeted, dealt damage or enraptured by editorial criticism.

∀-anAdi-para-atyuttama-aizaphysics are employed. In effect, this is an extremely endscape paraskill for it was created for use on the Final Floor, but has boundless limiters placed upon it for use on lower Floors.

Through the utilization of supraparaphysics and dijehlogic, Lionardanelles... [The rest of the text is an unwritten truth...]

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