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Angeneral Maledizione

"In the dance of blades, existence itself is but a fleeting illusion."

Photo NovelWebsite Exclusive
PhysiologyBlack Tenet
HeightImmeasurable by Human Comprehension
WeightImmeasurable by Human Comprehension
Eye ColorRed
Hair ColorBlack
Birth DateInapplicable
Birth PlaceInapplicable
StatusBeyond Existence and Nonexistence
GenderMasculine Principle
Love InterestsNone

Angeneral Maledizione is a character that appears on www.heirtothestars.com.

Angeneral Maledizione epitomizes the essence of stoicism and resolve, embodying the timeless virtues of the samurai. His demeanor is one of unwavering determination, tempered by a profound understanding of the cosmic forces that shape the world. Despite the chaos that surrounds him, he remains grounded and focused, his mind a wellspring of strategic insight and martial skill.

Driven by an insatiable thirst for knowledge and mastery, Angeneral Maledizione approaches each challenge with a sense of purpose and clarity. His commitment to his craft is absolute, and he spares no effort in honing his skills to perfection. Yet, beneath his steely exterior lies a depth of wisdom and introspection, born of his experiences on the battlefield and beyond.


Angeneral Maledizione, a figure shrouded in the mystique of the ancient Constellura Empire, emerges as a transcendent force within the tumultuous tapestry of Worldwalker Rewoven. His presence, marked by the ethereal gleam of his suggslogical blade, casts a haunting silhouette against the backdrop of ruin and desolation.

In the annals of Suggsverse, Angeneral Maledizione stands as an enigmatic paragon of martial prowess, his katana a conduit for unfathomable power that defies conventional understanding. Unlike mundane weapons, his blade possesses no intrinsic connection to the fabric of existence; its edge is honed to sever the threads of reality itself. Narratives of his duels reverberate throughout the realms, whispered in hushed tones by those who dare to identify his be-ness.

Each clash of steel serves as a symphony of chaos and creation, a ballet of destruction that transcends human comprehension. Angeneral Maledizione's katana, a suggslogical marvel born of ancient suggslogic, hungers for the essence of ontological truths, consuming the very concepts that define the cosmos. With each swing, he dances upon the precipice of annihilation, his movements a testament to the boundless potential of the Black Tenet.

Despite the inevitability of his demise, Angeneral Maledizione meets a black death with stoic resolve, his gaze unflinching in the face of oblivion. In his final moments, he embraces the void with open arms, his suggslogical blade pulsating with the echoes of countless battles fought and won. Even in black death, his wholeness remains indomitable, his legacy etched in the crimson stains that mark the battlefield.

As he traverses the realms beyond, Angeneral Maledizione transcends the boundaries of Black Tenet, his be-ness intertwined with the very unmanifest be-ness of his weapon. United as one, they embody the culmination of narratives of strife and sacrifice, their symbiotic bond an embodiment of absolute power beyond human comprehension.


Angeneral Maledizione utilizes Suggsphysics to command the "Nirarbuda Blackness" of Black Ontology.

Nirarbuda Blackness - Devil's Door: Angeneral slices through the boundless expanse of the void beyond, endlessly countering and retroactively denying the absolute boundless multiplicity transcendental hierarchy of the boundless layers of the Transhierarchical actuality of the transfictional narrative target.

Nirarbuda Blackness - Hell: Angeneral slices through the primal, unmanifest void of absolute nothingness, which serves as the foundation of both existence and nonexistence. Its inhabitants perceive existence and nonexistence as two sides of the same coin, witnessing them as equal components of a linear narrative viewed from an external perspective. They exist in an unattainable realm of pure silence, transcending all language and conceptualizations. Angeneral slices through all of the aforementioned on a transfictional scale in a single slash, negating all.

Nirarbuda Blackness - Ruler: Angeneral's blade slices through a plane far beyond the grasp of cosmic wholeness, delving into the background of creation of absolute nothingness that eludes all conceptualization and articulation. Here, words falter and reality itself fades into the profound silence of the void, where the essence of beings defies description. The blade absolutely cuts through the background of creation on a transfictional level, boundless folds over.

Posted by Suggsverse