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Augusta Tower☊

Augusta Tower☊ is (akin to) the wife of ☊Terra Tower

Augusta Tower☊ is where the essentially unsolvable "Absolutes" exist. This is one of the higher aspects of the Universe as it represents the essentially unsolvable transhierarchical singularity without any limits.

  • Augusta Tower☊ is the innate/inborn version of Meta-Omnipotence. Augusta Tower☊ is the unsurpassed form of Meta-Omnifarious and the unpredictable variant of Meta-Omnipotence Representation.
  • Augusta Tower☊ encompasses the absolute that "is" and the absolute "in-not" of unmanifest names, terms, and essence; and manifest names, terms, and essence.

Augusta Tower☊ contains the "Absolute" assertion of "Absolute" that is true in every possible interpretation. "Either the Absolute is Absolute, or the Absolute is not less than Absolute" is always true, regardless of the Absolute.

  • Augusta Tower☊ contains the logic, where Absolute is satisfiable if it is true under at least one interpretation, and thus supersedes any tautologies were a formula whose negation is unsatisfiable. In other words, the Absolute cannot be false, nor less than the Absolute. Absolute cannot be untrue.
  • Augusta Tower☊ contains The Absolute that transcends essentially unsolvable unsatisfiable statements, both through negation and affirmation; remaining Absolute.
  • Augusta Tower☊ contains the absolute principle that can be extended to sentences in predicate logic, which may contain quantifiers—a feature absent from sentences of propositional logic.

Augusta Tower☊ contains the absolute manifestation of thought, the absolute manifestation of emotion, the absolute manifestation of reason, the absolute manifestation of will, and the absolute manifestation of imagination; or any absolute mental state or absolute condition.

  • Augusta Tower☊ contains the absolute principle which produces absolute phenomena of mental influence and other absolute forms of the action and power of mind over mind.

Augusta Tower☊ contains the Unknowable Absolute, for of the Unknowable we cannot speak in terms of identity, negation, or difference.

  • Augusta Tower☊ contains innumerable forms and names of The Absolute.

Augusta Tower☊ is the unmoved mover -- the primary cause of all the motion in the Universe. As is implicit within Augusta Tower☊, Augusta Tower☊ is not moved by any prior action.

  • Augusta Tower☊ is absolutely perfectly beautiful, indivisible, and contemplating only the perfect contemplation: itself contemplating.
  • Augusta Tower☊ is the absolute behind the roots of cosmological speculations.

Augusta Tower☊ allows the possibility and actuality of immaterial substance, (separate and individual beings), allowing access to having neither parts nor magnitude.

  • Augusta Tower☊ contains the absolute metaphysical and pataphysical impossibility for substratum modes and attributes.
  • Augusta Tower☊ contains the necessity of being so indescribable that not even expressing "it's indescribable" can describe it, thus Augusta Tower☊ contains the usefulness and be-ness of indescribability.

Augusta Tower☊ contains an absolutely infinite multiplicity of characters that have transcendence to any form of existence that is also immeasurable and infinitely rising.

Augusta Tower☊ contains an absolutely infinite multiplicity of characters that are constantly ascending. Even after superseding the entire Universe, these characters continue to transcend even higher everlastingly, making their ascension truly unending

Augusta Tower☊ contains an absolutely infinite multiplicity of characters that have already transcended the fictionalized version of our real world, as well as ascending past authors. Augusta Tower☊ contains an absolute infinite multiplicity of characters that are one step above the authors. Augusta Tower☊ contains an absolute infinite multiplicity of characters that are infinite steps above the authors.

Augusta Tower☊ contains an absolutely infinite multiplicity of characters that possess a side effect of their true ability - the possibility and actuality that they "ascend beyond anything that is transcendent to them", including themselves.

Posted by Suggsverse