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The Universe is all of reality. It contains the absolute infinite; the boundless span of space and time; all forms of matter, energy, and momentum, and the physical laws and constants that govern them. It is everything that exists, has existed, and will exist. It is an infinite refrain

  • The Universe is larger than any other known number because all other numbers are defined by possessing a certain property.
  • The Universe has no pre-determined size and, as such continues to grow and increase in size without any upper limit -- being absolutely uncontainable.

The Universe overall contains the transcendence to the hierarchy of worlds of different dimensions and is transcendent to the hierarchy where each step surpasses the previous one. The Universe contains the transcendence that surpasses the object of the ordinary infinite-dimensional world. The Universe contains the transcendence that has a qualitative superiority of a higher order over the ordinary world.

The Universe is a term used to refer to the total collective existence of realism. The Universe is composed of countless independent and defined realism that exist in their own isolated state, operating under their own Spatial-Temporal laws and nature, each having its own distinct context of space and time, object, elements, and chaos as well as other foundational forces. It is measureless in its boundlessness. To learn more about the Universe, visit the Analects of Suggsfucius.

  • The nature of the Universe is beyond Spatial-Temporal Understanding on an absolute boundless multiplicity of levels.
  • The structure itself encompasses boundless spatial constructs (each realism existing in its own space, simultaneous with others), boundless temporal constructs (each realism being the predecessor and successor of another), and boundless dimensional planes (each realism co-existing but on frequencies).
  • The Universe itself has many complex layers that have yet to be fully defined.

The Universe encompasses an absolute infinite multiplicity of spectrums of significance, manifesting diverse entities across myriad layers. Each layer, while sharing a fundamental reality, maintains its distinctiveness, even when experienced simultaneously. Within the expansive fabric of the Universe, everything that might be perceived as contradictory coexists as equally valid and genuine expressions of truth.

On the surface, the Universe is ahead of simple infinity, surpassing Uncountable Infinity (ℵ0 and ℵ1 and ℵ2 and so on…), surpassing Replaceable Uncountable Infinites (ℵω), beyond uncountably infinite expanses in uncountably infinite dimensions, beyond Aleph Space, beyond the Von Neumann Hierarchy/Universe, beyond every universe that can be described by different mathematical structures, beyond the Tegmark IV ultimate ensemble, beyond the numberless layers of existence (with each layer having countless attributes, avatars, expressions, and manifestations across all of the infinite layers of existence, untold layers of nonexistence, and the innumerable layers of transcendent reality beyond the abstract duality and dissimilarity between existence and nonexistence), beyond infinite layers of ε0, ε1, ε2, ε3 and so on…, beyond Cantor's oridnial (ζ) and so on…, beyond infinite realities (each scaling to inaccessible cardinal and to the largest possible transinfinite number beyond even inaccessible cardinals), beyond an absolute infinite multiplicity of realities, piled on top of each other in every way, absolutely influencing the layers below and being influenced by those above; beyond the stratum of everything that ever was or will be, beyond the most fundamental aspect of the grand principle of creation – this is just a small minuscule fragment of the Universe.

  • The Universe contains a transcendent structure containing an infinite hierarchy of stories.
  • The Universe contains infinite timelines where each action creates a separate timeline.
  • Ontological concepts that are within the hierarchy of Metaphysics are a mere infinitesimal part of the Universe.
  • Transcendental concepts that are within the transhierarchical ladder of Pataphysics are a mere minuscule part of the Universe.
  • The Universe transcends boundless layers of existence/concepts.
  • The Universe supersedes a transcendent beyondness boundless amount of Platonic forms.
  • The Universe supersedes a transcendent beyondness boundless amount of Jungian Archetypes.
  • The Universe encompasses a transcendent boundless number of representations of absolute definitions of concepts, superseding Platonic forms, and Jungian Archetypes.
  • The Universe encompasses and surpasses boundless archetypal abstractions.
  • The Universe encompasses and contains boundless times over an expanse that can only be described as a transhierarchical setting outside all extensions of absolute infinity and even meta-extensions already beyond all extensions of infinity. This setting has no absolute endpoint, and transcendentally eternally extends unto qualitatively superior levels that endlessly spiral infinitely upwards.
  • The edge of the Universe is beyond All categories of Numbers hierarchies, Spacetime; absolutely beyond the transcendence of absolute infinite hierarchies of abstractions itself.

There is no realistic or imaginary limit to the quantity of the hierarchy of stories, layers of narratives, and transhierarchical modes contained within the Universe. It encompasses the Quantum hierarchy of worlds where at every point of option, there exists a Universe for each option that exists, and thus in some Universe, each option is the one utilized. This possibility and actuality exist for the decisions of all that has being, where each manifest and unmanifest choice that can be attached to "will" or "act" results in an alternate realism.

  • According to the laws of the lower stories, narratives, modes, and dimensions, the possibility and actuality of any higher story, narrative, mode, or dimension is a theoretical impossibility.
  • Every higher story, narrative, mode, or dimension sees the lower variant as fiction.
  • The "metaphysical" cosmic manifestations of greater, overarching essences representing a transcendental state devoid of any limits or restrictions exist within the Universe.
  • The "pataphysical" cosmic manifestations of greater, overarching essences representing a transcendental state devoid of any limits or restrictions exist within the Universe.
  • Real-world possibility and actuality and ''metafictional'' possibility and actuality that are objectively wrong exist here in some realism or another.
  • Every realism layer is infinitely-layered on its own, containing an infinite number of Ultimate Ensembles and Master Sets and absolutely transcending them. Even the lowest of realism layers are utterly boundless, with the next realism layer's level immeasurably larger than the previous, being a much higher boundlessness that completely supersedes the previous layer.
  • Every story, narrative, mode, dimension, and theoretical impossibility (as well as the functions behind them) transcends everything below it and everything above it - stuck in a dynamic fiction of ascension that continuously and instantly transcends the nature of "it" and "be-ness".

Just like everything else, the Universe is an eternal transcendence; immeasurable and boundlessly rising.

  • The Universe encompasses an "endless" chain of steps where each step represents the possibility, impossibility, and actuality of all possible values of spatial and temporal infinite dimensions. Within a mere particle out of an infinite hierarchy of particles that makes up a single step, lower levels that expand boundlessly beyond absolute infinite lesser modes and abstractions (ensembles) are mere fiction.
  • The Universe encompasses an ever-growing eternal transcendent expanded levels of awareness—with each deeper level governed by its own unique metaphysical and pataphysical reason. These deeper levels are increasingly more complete, more stretched out, fundamentally more powerful, and progressively more meta-conceptual. This expanding transhierarchical expanse utterly lies beyond all mathematically definable concepts of infinity, beyond all metaphysical definable concepts of form, and beyond all pataphysical underlying concepts of essence.
  • The Universe contains an absolutely boundless multiplicity of realities/planes/worlds; boundless of them that are absolutely infinite/unlimited in scale and potential, with no boundaries or limitations on what can happen and where anything/everything is possible and anything can likely be found by traveling far enough. Every reality/plane/world expands in size and distance ad infinitum making the realities/planes/worlds impossible to close or seal off . All created and uncreated realities/planes/worlds constantly and endlessly develop other worlds inside of themselves since they have no limitations on what happens.

In order to fully understand the "completeness" of the Universe and the fundamental nature of the Universe, See Universe Within, Cosmic Matrix, ∀potheosis, Cosmic Underpin, Struōscape, WΩrlδ ∀, Gardios, The World, The Kosmos Journal, Rem's Church, Bittersweet, Alkanshel, Achtzehn's Skyblossom, Zhunivelze's Compass, Entropy Board, Schneidschutz, ⚓Vigilantessence, ⚓Vendettarc, ⚓Suggsventure, ⚓Runecase, Beyond Time's Eclipse, Schala, Keystone Worldlines, Sea of Pulse, Childhood's END, Type IV and Type V Multiverse, The End of Infinity, Atramentous Echelon, Infinite Refrain, ❦Garden of Castles❦, ❦Garden of Towers❦, ❦Garden of Skyscapes❦, ❦Garden of Red❦, ❦Garden of Mausoleums❦, Pergrande ♔, Aufprall Dreizehn, Nefertem, Oowashi, Proto-Chaos, Crimson Echoes,☻Rosetta☻, Creationopolis, Je m'appelle, The Castle Frozen in Time, Universe Orphanage, Book of Poems, ☂Sky Above the Universe, The Other Translation, Behind the Door, Warden of Creation, Augusta Tower☊, Gates of Augusta, Heir to Chaos, Aceblossom, ♌Suggsplex, Black Waltz Theme, Lunairetic, ☊Terra Tower, ☍Battle of Daedalus☍, ☍Battle of Messiah☍, ☍Battle of Heaven's Base☍, Hyakurai, Heironimus, Amfortas, ⚳False Street Corner, ⚴Ark of Stars, ⚶Hydrangea Bloodsport, ⚵Vanishing Smile, ⚷Veritas Reve, ⚸Csardas, ♲Unicorn-in-Reverse, ⦓[White Snow's Punishment]⦔, ♠Forest of Beginnings♠, ☊The World in Colors♠, ⚯Innocent Walkthrough⚯, Here to There, Then and Now, Pre-Zerø, Death's Sex, Alvarez, Dimaria, Arcadios, Meredy, Magnolia, Devil's Raiment, Cantus Bellax, Daemon’s Nursery Rhyme, Diarium Ejus, Lagena Signatoria, Illustration of the World, Crystallizatio Leukos Ouranos, Aperantos, Basileia, Feretro tou Sympantos, Crimson King's Poison Taster, Jūrin Jilliel, Trumpet of Antithesis, Disheveled Paradise, Hypothesis ~ Tomorrow..., ∀ Dream at the Bottom of the Sky, ∀shes and Illusions, BeyΩnδ the δΩΩr ― Then...F∀nt∀sy and ∀sh, ♠Belserion♠, ♠Devil's Logs♠, ♠Lion's Maiden♠, House of ♠Penelope♠, ∀pex, Suggsrender, and Suggsverse⚚.

To see the 365 sub-aspects of the Universe, visit Suggsension.

To see the 9999 frames of the Universe, visit atasuggsavism. (Currently sealed and locked by Shana)

The Universe is at the very limit of power itself, absolutely infinitely removed from "indexed"/"unindexed" Names, Terms, and Essence. It is the ultimate, all-encompassing set of all sets of all Definitions.

Each layer within the Universe is unattached to all senses of structure, cosmological horizon, objectivity, and bounded be-ness. The Universe itself is beyond the aforementioned.

  • Layers within the Universe are beyond the infinite spatial dimensions of space {with each layer and aspect of the Universe encompassing dimensionality}.
  • Layers within the Universe contain infinite reality-fiction hierarchies, each layer characterized by meta-exponentially (informally) growing qualitative disparities. These hierarchies represent unattainable transcendence, standing on the absolute peak of boundless recursion. The qualitative differences between these hierarchies continually increase with no limits.
  • The Universe's essence is intricately woven beyond dimensional-reality qualitative hierarchies, with each structure marked by an unceasing ascent in the order of qualitative distinctions between its layers. These layers, absolutely boundless, manifest a reality that surpasses the very foundations of (past, present, future, and endless) human understanding.

The Universe is boundless recursions and endless hierarchies of reality layers, between which there is a definitive qualitative difference. Absolute infinite multiplicities of sets of very different material, magical, mental, divine, metaphysical, cosmological, emptiness, illogical, meta-conceptual, theoretical, and transcendent (including those standing above absolute infinite hierarchies) worlds and planes exist within it. The Universe contains the world of pure substance.

  • The Universe constantly creates an infinite hierarchy of stories. These stories include ones where possibilities do and do not exist, where the concept of Space-Time does and doesn't exist, and ones where even beings like Deus are constantly creating infinite hierarchies of stories thus creating an infinite upon infinite hierarchy ad infinitum.

At just one of the lowest qualitative levels, the Universe is an "inaccessible universe", which is used in the context of set theory and large cardinal axioms. The Universe contains specific properties related to the unreachability or inaccessibility of sets within the hierarchy of the cumulative hierarchy of sets.

  • In set theory, an inaccessible cardinal is a type of large cardinal that is characterized by certain properties, such as being a regular, strong limit cardinal that is inaccessible to the power set operation. These cardinals play a crucial role in establishing the consistency of certain mathematical statements within set theory.

Posted by Suggsverse