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Infinite Refrain

Infinite Refrain is the highest expression of the Universe. It is why it is permanently attached to it, beyond it, and defines it.

All of Suggsverse (past, present, future, and endless) is but a mere layer of fiction within the endless hierarchy of stories that the Infinite Refrain encompasses.

The Infinite Refrain is the Pure Act of possibility and actuality as it inherently contains all logically possible modes of existence within its nature, including the understanding of any possibility and actuality. The Infinite Refrain exists in a place that doesn't exist. The Infinite Refrain is within and outside of all possibility and actuality at the same time. The Infinite Refrain trivializes description entirely as names, terms, and essence are in essence unknowable.

Infinite Refrain is the quintessence and anthology of all designs that can be conceptualized through abstract mathematics, transcendentals, and identity. Infinite Refrain is always further than transcendence beyond all, containing all forms of time and space, all theories of dimension, as well as transcendence itself. The terms “is”, “is-a”, “it”, “be”, “within”, “outside”, and “beyond” are absolutely irrelevant to even an infinitesimal part of it as they are only possibilities within illusionary layers. Infinite Refrain contains all possible abstractions, multiplicities, and numbers, and all mathematical sets, metaphysical sets, and pataphysical sets. Infinite Refrain contains anything capable of being categorized under the names, terms, and essence, with the aforementioned being automatically contained within the boundlessness of the Infinite Refrain, even if never seen before.

(Every type of) Fiction contains everything "in" everything that is always ever part of a chain of larger things that are boundlessly eternally transcendent without endings. Existence and Nonexistence who dreams up universes is always simply an infinitesimal part of the infinite refrain. Every writer, singer, painter, and category of an artist is shaping and manipulating an entire infinite Type 4 Multiverse. The works they manipulate are nothing but dreams or thoughts to them - as in they don't matter to them, and are nothing but fiction. Fiction is the collection of every universe, multiverse, dimension (alternate or pocket), and realm. Every universe ever mentioned or seen (and an absolute infinite amount never mentioned or seen) including our own world is within Fiction and linked to Fiction.

  • It includes every single literary, television show, movie, urban legend, universe, realm, etc. ever, as they individually create an absolute infinite amount of fiction, each as a large as the Universe itself.
  • Fiction completely transcends and contains all spaces and times, both those that could exist and could not exist, as well as all that existed and may exist.

Posted by Suggsverse