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"Those who challenge me only strengthen my resolve."

Photo NovelWebsite Exclusive
Eye ColorRadiance / Brown
Hair ColorBlack / Black
AgeBeyond Space-time
Birth DateInapplicable
Birth PlaceInapplicable
GenderMasculine Principle
Love InterestsNone
AffiliationCalamity ArchMonarchs, Pendulum Ark

Bastien is a Deus that appears on www.heirtothestars.com.

Bastien epitomizes the Deus archetype of a warrior-philosopher, whose convictions are as unyielding as his strength on the battlefield. He is a charismatic and enigmatic Supreme Being, whose presence commands respect and instills fear in equal measure.

At the core of Bastien's personality lies an unwavering belief in the transformative power of conflict. He sees strife not as a force of destruction, but as a crucible in which individuals and societies are refined and strengthened. This philosophy, though controversial, defines his approach to leadership and governance.


Bastien, among the Pendulum Ark, stands as a Deus of conflict and victory, embodying a philosophy that conflict breeds strength and adversity fosters growth. His creed, deeply rooted in the belief that strife is essential for the evolution of individuals and societies, shaped his approach to ruling over Chronochasm.

In the intricate web of the Pendulum Ark's governance, Bastien's philosophy stood out as a cornerstone of his reign. He believed that conflict, when harnessed and directed properly, could lead to a brighter future for all inhabitants of Chronochasm. To Bastien, the ebb and flow of battles and challenges were not merely disruptions but essential components of a balanced and dynamic existence.

However, Bastien's adherence to his philosophy led to controversy and earned him the title of Calamity ArchMonarch. His application of conflict as a governing principle was viewed by some as reckless and destabilizing, yet others saw it as a necessary catalyst for progress and growth.

Bastien's reputation for absorbing anything that crossed his path added to the mystique surrounding his rule. His ability to assimilate and integrate external forces into his being symbolized his adaptability and resilience in the face of adversity. Yet, this power also fueled fear and uncertainty among those who opposed him, adding to the complexity of his immanence.

The tale of Bastien's clash with his disciples and the lion seeking truth illustrates the depth of his being and the challenges he chose to create. His encounters with dissenters and challengers tested the boundaries of his philosophy and forced him to confront the consequences of his actions.

Ultimately, Bastien's downfall came at the hands of Chalice at Dez Dire, fulfilling the prophecy foretold by the dying lion. His demise marked the end of an era and symbolized the inevitable cycle of conflict and resolution that defined the world of Chronochasm.

Posted by Suggsverse