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Boundless is the state of encompassing the concepts that eliminate theoretical restriction and encompasses the biggest thing that ever can ever be, and simply eliminates that idea, making it the greatest idea ever conceived completely encompassing all of Fiction, all of Nonfiction, all of Transfiction, all of Fanfiction, all of Metafiction, all of Patafiction, all of Interfiction, all of Personal Fiction, all of Impersonal Fiction, all of Incompatibilism Fiction, all of Impossible Fiction, all of Speculative Fiction, all of Xenofiction, all Universal Genres, all Universal Tropes, all of Paratexts, all of Memetic Fiction, all of Transformation Fiction, and all of a priori and a posteriori Fiction on a qualitative personal, impersonal, and transpersonal scale is always just within the greatest idea ever conceived - which is greater than the concept of the "beyond", the be-ness out of reach of something or further than names, terms, and essence and in essence, is unknowable. Boundless is without end, encompassing an unending be-ness, being so great that no amount of transcendence can surpass it or supersede it.

  • Boundless supersedes the ineffable be-ness that is defiant of all laws and logic, also constantly ascending and rewriting be-ness on absolutely all levels, including beyondness, origin, conclusion, and ad infinitum.

Boundless has surpassed The Absolue, Absolute Infinity, and The End of Infinity. By its very nature, Boundless just becomes even more impossible to truly describe as it has transcended the extensions of unreachable be-ness, making it impossible to approach or expand. Boundless is so great, that no amount of sets of all sets, transcendental reflections or replacements, or infinities can ever reach it; Boundless is truly beyond all scaling or definition.

Boundlessness breaks reality, presenting itself truly as an indescribable state, where all descriptions and titles are so meaningless before it. It's absolutely beyond language, so much that you may as well call it a form/expression Omnipotence or a form/expression of MetaOmnipotence.

  • Boundlessness encompasses indeterminacy whenever it arises, whenever one observes the eventual circularity of literally or virtually every possible and impossible definition. Boundlessness encompasses the loops of definition in any language, superseding the more closed concepts, such as that of existence, that is a be-ness defined. Boundlessness encompasses the collection of other words, and in any infinite be-ness that continues to follow the trail of words in search of the precise meaning of any given term, surpassing linguistic indeterminacy.

Boundlessness encompasses everything conceivable, inconceivable, potential, actual, existent, non-existent, identified, unidentified, manifest, unmanifest, created, uncreated, discovered, undiscovered, Fictional, Nonfictional, Transfictional, Fanfictional, Metafictional, Patafictional, Interfictional, Personal Fictional, Impersonal Fictional, Incompatibilism Fictional, Impossible Fictional, Speculative Fictional, Xenofictional, Universal Genre, Universal Trope, Paratextual, Memetic Fictional, Transformation Fictional, and a priori and a posteriori Fictional, perceived, unperceived, imaginable, unimaginable, etc. and even the All beyond The All, and the All beyond that, and the All beyond that ad infinitum.

  • Since the name, term, and essence of "All", including the concept of omnipotence and boundlessness, is a human construct, boundlessness transcends infinitely far beyond all modes and attributes of thoughts, imagination, conceptualizations, etc. In other words, boundlessness encompasses and utterly surpasses anything that can be, even be-ness that is outside the modes and attributes of collective knowledge and immeasurable thought.

  • Boundless is the transcendence of an infinite hierarchy with each hierarchy having infinite hierarchies going ad infinitum.
  • Boundless is the freedom from all notions of Existence and Nonexistence. To Boundless, all concepts and ideas are ultimately unreality. To Boundless, all notions such as ineffable numbers, numbers beyond absolute infinity, etc, are unreality. To Boundless, unfathomable absolute Infinity is an arbitrary illusion.
  • Boundless is the transcendence of an infinite dimensional hierarchy completely even beyond uncountably infinite dimensions. Boundless is completely beyond dimensional scaling. Boundless is beyond infinite stacking ad infinitum.
  • Boundless is the transcendence of All, including platonic/true platonic forms.
  • Boundless is by default countless/absolute infinite layers ad infinitum into Boundless.
  • Boundless exceeds absolute infinite higher dimensions/planes of existence. Boundless exceeds beyond all concepts of Time, Space, and Dimensional boundaries, and unimaginable comprehension.
Posted by Suggsverse