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True Omnipotence is that which surpasses an unconditional reality that transcends unlimited, unconditional, meta-existence. True Omnipotence is All-able; being able to do absolutely anything and everything without fail. True Omnipotence is the almighty power in every sense and aspect to create or overturn necessary truths of logic and mathematics. True Omnipotence represents that which can perfectly bring about or alter the past, present, future, and endless simultaneously. There is NO state of affairs that a True Omnipotent agent is powerless to bring about.

True Omnipotence, in a philosophical and theological context, refers to the meta-concept of unlimited or absolute power. It represents the idea of possessing all formal and informal possible and impossible powers and abilities without any limitations or restrictions.

The "semantic change" (also semantic shift, semantic progression, semantic development, or semantic drift) of True Omnipotence is encompassed here.
Semantic change is a form of language change regarding the evolution of word usage—usually to the point that the modern meaning is radically different from the original usage. Every word has a variety of senses and connotations, which can be added, removed, or altered over time, often to the extent that cognates across space and time have very different meanings. The study of semantic change can be seen as part of etymology, onomasiology, semasiology, and semantics. The semantic changes in the etymology of True Omnipotence, the onomasiology of True Omnipotence, and the semasiology of True Omnipotence are all here.

Modes and Attributes associated with True Omnipotence include:

  1. Ability to do anything logically and illogically possible: True omnipotence entails the ability to perform any action that is logically coherent and illogically coherent.
  2. Power over all things: An omnipotent being would have power and control over all aspects of existence, including the physical universe, natural laws, and the fundamental forces governing reality. This includes the ability to create, sustain, and modify the totality of the Omniverse as desired.
  3. Unlimited knowledge: True omnipotence is often associated with omniscience, which means having complete and infinite knowledge. An omnipotent being would possess knowledge of all things, including past, present, and future events, as well as knowledge of all possible outcomes and possibilities.
  4. Unrestricted will and freedom: True omnipotence implies having absolute freedom and autonomy in making choices and decisions. It means that an omnipotent being would not be bound by any external constraints or limitations and would have the power to exercise its will without hindrance.

Omnipotence, by definition, is all-powerful and cannot be transcended. Omnipotence is the absolute peak of power; it is the point at which everyone and everything else is boundlessly below it.

Omnipotence (from Latin: Omni Potens: "all power") is the state of being perfectly and totality almighty and above all in every sense and feature. Omnipotence holds power completely encompassing the totality of Creation. Omnipotence can achieve absolutely anything and everything no matter how unattainable or ambiguous, perpetual in the truest sense, possessing infinite and boundless knowledge, cannot be harmed or destroyed, absolutely invincible and unbeatable, truly faultless, and contains no flaws, transcending absolutely everything without exclusion, possessing all known and unknown skills, possessing unquestionable authority and independence, the Be-All, End-All of everything that is. Omnipotence is the possibility and actuality of performing all acts that can be expressed by words that assume consistent meaning in potency and inconsistent meaning in potency, and to carry them out.

  • Omnipotence is unfathomable power far beyond any reason, logic, or understanding. Omnipotence can do whatever it wants, whenever it wants, however it wants, allowing Omnipotence to achieve anything and everything without any limit, no matter how impossible or contradictory, completely overriding all other forces and abilities like they didn't exist at all.
  • Omnipotence is fully transcendent of reality and fiction, controlling it like an author controls a work that they write, with the same absolute power and overwhelming authority.

Omnipotence possesses the notions of more energy or force than can be quantified by any transfinite cardinal, and of more states of affairs than can be quantified by any transfinite cardinal. Omnipotence can even bring about that many states of affairs. Omnipotence encompasses each of the interpretations of ‘infinite power’, leaving no open question of which interpretation it means.

  • Omnipotence is the highest and maximum Omniversal principle, the ultimate reality in the Omniverse. It is the material, efficient, formal and final cause of all that exists. It is the pervasive, infinite, all-encompassing truth, consciousness, and actus purus which does not change, yet is the cause of all changes.

Omnipotence is fundamentally invincible, completely immune to all other powers, and able to defeat the combined might of all creation and all of its beings just by wanting it, without the slightest effort.

  • One of the attributes of Omnipotence is boundlessness.
  • One of the attributes of Omnipotence is being the Be-All, End-All, Above-All descriptions of superiority over logic (or anything else).
  • An Omnipotent is boundless beyond all perspectives or any other concepts. Any description (including any words that we may provide here) is encompassed by Omnipotence.
  • Omnipotence is totally qualitatively superior to everything else - Completely unlimited.

Omnipotence has the power to bring about or undo necessary states of affairs, e.g., necessities of logic, mathematics, metaphysics, or ethics. Omnipotence has the power to bring about any state of affairs whatsoever, including necessary and impossible states of affairs.

  • In other words, it would be perfectly possible for an Omnipotent to do anything, including the cosmically impossible. An Omnipotent can put the logically impossible into power.
  • Omnipotence cannot be constrained, so the only thing as great as Omnipotence is itself. It must be the very set of necessary laws that govern existence, for the Omnipotent is above all else.
  • The fundamental principles of logic and mathematics are representations of the way an Omnipotent reasoned. I.e., they are not external laws to an Omnipotent to which it is conditioned, or abstract objects that limit an Omnipotent, but rather that they are aspects of the mind of an Omnipotent.

Omnipotence is beyond the highest point of power that is not possibly exceeded by any being.

  • Power should be distinguished from ability. Power is ability plus opportunity: a being that has maximal ability but prevented by circumstances from exercising those abilities would not be omnipotent. Nothing could prevent an omnipotent agent from exercising its powers if it were to endeavor to do so.

Omnipotence is absolutely everything; It is all power, the absolute pinnacle, and everything beyond the beyond, existing above and beyond any other power and concept, without exception. Omnipotence is the absolute description of everything, including every possibility, impossibility, and notion beyond absolute infinity. Omnipotence can do the absolutely impossible such as "greater than infinity", "generating a squared circle" or "transcending itself by many times."

  • Omnipotence encompasses the illogical view of omnipotence, meaning that an Omnipotent can violate even the laws of classical logic, such as the law of noncontradiction, the law of excluded middle, and the law of identity, and make mathematical absurdities like a triangle whose hypotenuse is greater than the sum of the legs.

The Basics

Omnipotence is beyond the boundless actualization of all possible manifestations of Creation, beyond all levels of dimensionality, beyond all extensions of existence in the Unmanifest of all possible Creation, and beyond the Emanation of The Absolute.

Omnipotence is the one almighty power above All.  Omnipotence must be able to accomplish anything, even if it entails a contradiction.

Omnipotence possesses all of the infinite numbers of powers in existence and nonexistence. Even if the notion does not make any sense, Omnipotence can do it. Omnipotence is being "unsurpassed", "unchallenged" and "have no equal". We cannot attribute anything because Omnipotence can do anything.

  • Omnipotence rules all things.
  • Omnipotence can handle all situations or matters.
  • Omnipotence is absolutely skilled in every possible field.
  • Omnipotence can take on any and all existing forms, shapes, varieties, or kinds.
  • Omnipotence can create anything and everything from nothing.
  • Omnipotence can create artifacts of limitless power.
  • Omnipotence can duplicate anything.
  • Omnipotence can decipher and speak any language.
  • Omnipotence exists outside of everything (in-between All, and all-encompassing).
  • Omnipotence is absolutely free of any boundaries.
  • Omnipotence is Omnipresence, which is everywhere in existence at once.
  • Omnipotence is Omniscience, which knows and understands everything and anything.
  • Omnipotence possesses full comprehension of the Omniverse.
  • Omnipotence has every power.
  • Omnipotence is immune to all alterations.
  • Omnipotence has and is beyond the ultimate levels of strength, speed, intellect, etc.
  • Omnipotence is total control over its own existence.
  • Omnipotence is beyond life and death.
  • Omnipotence is perfectly absolutely immortal.
  • Omnipotence can restore everything back to its natural state.
  • Omnipotence is complete control of all boundaries.
  • Omnipotence is complete control of all cause/effect relations.
  • Omnipotence can create/ manipulate/erase all Concepts.
  • Omnipotence commands and manipulates the cycles of existence (creation, existence, destruction).
  • Omnipotence can destroy anything and everything.
  • Omnipotence is and controls the final force.
  • Omnipotence commands and perfectly manipulates the entirety of existence itself.
  • Omnipotence is and controls the prime force.
  • Omnipotence commands and manipulates all planes of existence.
  • Omnipotence cannot be described nor understood.
  • Omnipotence is totally unstoppable.
  • Omnipotence perfectly controls infinite amounts of spiritual force.
  • Omnipotence can completely erase any kind of existence.
  • Omnipotence can kill or remove all life at once.
  • Omnipotence commands and manipulates all forms of magic.
  • Omnipotence can invent anything with varying capabilities.
  • Omnipotence controls all levels of reality and beyond.
  • Omnipotence perfectly overrides the laws of reality, logic, and common sense.
  • Omnipotence commands and manipulates all Perspectives.
  • Omnipotence can preserve Totality.
  • Omnipotence can rewrite all aspects of reality without limit.
  • Omnipotence commands and perfectly controls/rewrite logic and metalogic without limits
  • Omnipotence commands and perfectly controls/rewrite the laws of nature.
  • Omnipotence can separate/divide Totality/Possibility/Nothingness/
  • Omnipotence by essence is truly Unique.
  • Omnipotence controls everything supernatural.
  • Omnipotence creates, controls, and deletes powers on an absolute infinite level.
  • Omnipotence can increase and amplify special abilities to absolute infinite power-levels.
  • Omnipotence is immune to any and all external powers and effects.
  • Omnipotence commands the power link.
  • Omnipotence is the Alpha and Omega of Totality
  • Omnipotence perfectly Rules/Controls/Preserves/Creates/Destroys all Totality.
  • Omnipotence is absolutely invincible.
  • Omnipotence and its Divine Will and Actions cannot be stopped or reversed.
  • Omnipotence is one with all minds.
  • Omnipotence is one with all and everything
Posted by Suggsverse