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Cassandra Schwanengesang

"Chaos is the most beautiful song before death."

Photo NovelGuidepost to Tomorrow, Heir to the Stars: Overture
PhysiologyIneffable to Suggsverse Totality
HeightImmeasurable by Human Comprehension
WeightImmeasurable by Human Comprehension
Eye ColorInterchangeable
Hair ColorNormally Blonde
AgeApophatic to Suggsverse Totality
Birth DateInapplicable
Self-CreationIneffable to Suggsverse Totality
StatusBeyond all modes and attributes of Suggsverse
GenderFeminine Principle
FamilyMother Nature (Sister)
Love InterestsNone
TierApophatic to Tiering System

Cassandra Schwanengesang is a fully transcendent character in and outside of the Suggsverse that is mentioned by The Ace of Spades. She was the first who carried the title of The Chaos Queen, with the current being Praé. She is a being with authority and power over The Mainfold. She is mentioned in Heir to the Stars: Overture, and first appears in Guidepost to Tomorrow.

Cassandra Schwanengesang, known as The Chaos Queen, is pure freedom of immense power and influence in the Suggsverse. She is the ultimate authority, surpassing all known forms of existence and non-existence. She is the embodiment of chaos, the final truth beyond all suggsfinities, and the pinnacle on top of all modes and attributes of the Heir to the Stars cosmology.

Cassandra Schwanengesang stands as a testament to the limitless potential of the Suggsverse, embodying the themes of power, freedom, and chaos that drive the narrative forward.


In Heir to the Stars: Overture, her history is revealed by The Ace of Spades. He wrote a script once about a being named Cassandra Schwanengesang. She was greater than any Overture and Finalé. She was "The Chaos Queen"; the be-all and end-all of all Omniverses… She was the sister of Mother Nature, but she turned her back on the totality of all Infinities. Just like a swan, she sang during her time in life, but she only sang so beautifully to existence just before she died. However, she never had a beginning or an end. As she sang her final lament, she left with the presence of five remnants of her very being. She was titled the Chaos Queen because Chaos is the most beautiful song before death.

Cassandra Schwanengesang is described as a being who transcends all known forms of reality and non-reality. She is greater than any Overture or Finalé within the Heir to the Stars narrative. According to the text, she is the sister of Mother Nature, but unlike her, she chose to embrace chaos and turn her back on all infinities.

  • Infinity in this context is the suggsfinite nature of the Cosmic Legion.

In her lifetime, Cassandra sang a beautiful song to existence, a metaphor for her influence and actions within the First Floor. This song is said to be the most beautiful just before her demise, though she is described as having no true beginning or end. Her final act left behind five remnants of her being, each carrying a fragment of her immense power and authority.

Significant Events:

  • Creation of the Ansho Eyes: Cassandra planned to create the Ansho Eyes and grant them to a being whose existence and Dynamis level matched that of an Overture. This indicates her role in shaping significant artifacts and entities within the narrative.
  • Interaction with The Ace of Spades: In the narrative, The Ace of Spades recognizes Cassandra's unparalleled power and grants her the title of The Chaos Queen. This interaction highlights her importance and the recognition of her authority by other powerful beings.

Impact on the Narrative: Cassandra's existence and actions have a profound impact on the narrative structure of the totality of the Heir to the Stars series. Her unmanifest be-ness which directs and transcends all forms of reality makes her a central figure in the cosmic hierarchy. She embodies the ultimate form of freedom and power, unbound by any constraints, which sets the stage for the unfolding events in the Suggsverse.

Her character represents the zenith of ineffable inaccessible power and the embodiment of chaos, serving as a benchmark for the capabilities and limitations of other characters within the series. Her legacy and the remnants of her being continue to influence the events and characters in the Heir to the Stars narrative.


The Chaos Queen embodies the ultimate form of transcendentalism, existing beyond all known and unknown dimensions, hierarchies, and realms of possibility. Her control is not limited by the conventional boundaries of space, time, or even conceptual frameworks such as duality and probability. Instead, she exists in a state of pure freedom, outside the confines of both the Descending Ladder of Nothingness and the Ascending Ladder of the Mind.

Her abilities are characterized by an unprecedented level of meta-authority, allowing her to manipulate the narrative of the Suggsverse at will. This includes the power to rewrite reality, control time and space, and negate any form of existence or conceptual principle. Her dominion over all forms of creation, including grand-meta-narratives and infinite hierarchical structures, is absolute. There mere argument of power fails when in essence to The Chaos Queen.

Absolute Meta-Authority: Cassandra possesses absolute control over all aspects of existence and non-existence. She can manipulate reality, time, space, and all forms of matter and energy at will.

Transfictional Suggspotence: Her power extends beyond fictional and real-world boundaries by boundless degrees, making her immune to any narrative causality or meta-narrative constraints.

Existence and Non-Existence Manipulation: She can control and negate any form of existence or non-existence, including concepts such as time, space, possibility, and nothingness.

Immunity to All Forms of Power: Cassandra is unaffected by any form of power, including omnipotence, reality warping, and grand-meta-narratives. Her authority is unchallenged and absolute.

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