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"The blade cares not for the hand that wields it."

Caulder in Battlesworn armor
Photo NovelWebsite Exclusive
Weight230 lbs
Eye ColorRed
Hair ColorBlack
Birth DateUnknown
Birth PlaceUnknown
Love InterestsNone
Affiliation33 Guardians of the Deus

Caulder is a character that appears on www.heirtothestars.com.

Caulder is a figure cloaked in mystery and darkness, his very presence a harbinger of death and intrigue. He is a man of few words, his silence more ominous than any spoken threat. Behind his stoic facade lies a mind as sharp as his blade, calculating and unforgiving in its pursuit of its objectives.

Driven by motives known only to himself, Caulder navigates the treacherous waters of power and betrayal with a cold and ruthless efficiency. He is a pragmatist, unburdened by notions of morality or righteousness, his allegiance bought and sold to the highest bidder.


Caulder's legend was shrouded in mystery, his name whispered in hushed tones among the corridors of power and the shadowy alleys of the underworld alike. He was more than a mere assassin; he was a specter of death, a phantom whose very existence literally defied human comprehension. Tales of his exploits spread like wildfire, each more fantastical than the last.

Born from the crucible of chaos and strife, Caulder was rumored to have emerged from the depths of darkness, his blade forged in the fires of adversity. From the earliest whispers of his infamy, it was said that Caulder would undertake any task, no matter how perilous, as long as the reward was commensurate with the risk. Gold flowed like water in the wake of his deadly deeds, his services coveted by kings and despots alike.

But Caulder's true allure lay not in his insatiable lust for wealth, but in the chilling efficiency with which he executed his missions. No mark was beyond his reach, no target beyond his grasp. His dagger was an extension of his will, a tool of death honed to razor-sharp perfection. Those who crossed his path did so at their own peril, for Caulder brooked no mercy and showed no quarter to his foes.

As the flames of war engulfed the realm and the Deus themselves descended from the beyond, Caulder's shadow loomed large over the battlefield. Whispers of his allegiance to the divine circulated among the ranks, his handiwork bearing the unmistakable mark of divine sanction. Some whispered that he had struck a pact with the Deus themselves, trading his mortal soul for unholy power and eternal servitude.

Yet amidst the chaos of conflict, Caulder's motives remained as inscrutable as the depths of the abyss. Some claimed he fought for gold, others for glory, while still others whispered of darker, more sinister motives lurking beneath his stoic facade. His allegiance shifted like the sands of time, his loyalties as fickle as the winds of fate.

In the waning days of the war, Caulder's legend reached its zenith as he set his sights on the elusive Jaskiata, one of the dreaded Disarmonia. The very mention of his name sent shivers down the spines of mortals and Deus alike, his prowess on the battlefield unmatched by any living soul. Yet Caulder's pursuit of the enigmatic champion was shrouded in mystery, his motives obscured by the fog of war.

Some whispered of treachery, of betrayal most foul, while others spoke of redemption, of a fallen soul seeking absolution in the fires of battle. The truth, as ever, remained elusive, a tantalizing enigma lost to the annals of history. And so, the legend of Caulder, the assassin who walked among Deus, lives on in whispered tales and half-remembered dreams, his legacy etched in the blood-soaked annals of time.

Posted by Suggsverse