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Chapter 1: Void-covered Victory

The city of Satceb, once a thriving hub of innovation and culture, now lay shrouded in an oppressive gloom. The skies above, perpetually broken and fractured by the Red Trident's towering presence, cast a sickly red glow over the city, as if the heavens themselves bled from a wound that refused to heal. Ten years had passed since the end of Ogre's War, but its scars remained etched into the very bones of Satceb. The city's alleys whispered of secrets, and its streets were slick with the residue of dark politics and clandestine deals. Here, the line between reality and illusion blurred, leaving its inhabitants in a constant state of unease.

Alex Victory moved through these streets like a shadow, his presence barely noticed by the crowds of desperate souls who populated the city. A tall, imposing figure with cold eyes and a demeanor that spoke of experience in matters most would fear to imagine, Alex was a man of few words. His every movement was precise, calculated, as if he were constantly navigating an invisible web of threats and opportunities. The city was his hunting ground, and he knew its dark corners better than most.

Satceb was a place where Devils and humans coexisted uneasily, their interactions governed by a fragile balance of power. Devils, with their paracausal abilities, were both feared and coveted. They were weapons, tools for those who could afford to control them, or threats to be eliminated when they defied that control. SAGA, the secretive organization that Alex worked for, was one of the few entities capable of navigating this dangerous landscape. Their agents, like Alex, were tasked with maintaining order—though the definition of "order" was as fluid as the city's ever-changing skyline.

Tonight, Alex's mission was different from his usual operations. The target was a young girl, barely out of childhood, who had drawn the attention of forces far darker than SAGA. The girl was rumored to possess abilities that went beyond even the Devil's paracausal powers, making her a prize for those who trafficked in human lives—and a potential weapon for SAGA. Alex had been tracking her for days, his instincts honed to a razor's edge as he followed the faint trail she left behind.

The city’s heart was a labyrinth of narrow alleys and decrepit buildings, where the air was thick with the stench of decay and the ever-present sense of danger. Here, the weak were prey, and the strong survived by any means necessary. Alex blended into the shadows as he approached the area where he knew the girl would be. His informant had been precise—she would be near the old market district, a place that had once been a bustling center of trade but was now a ghost town, haunted by the echoes of the past.

As Alex rounded a corner, he caught sight of her. She was a small figure, huddled against the wall of a crumbling building, her eyes wide with fear as she glanced around, searching for a way out of the trap that was closing in on her. Her clothes were tattered, her face smeared with grime, but there was something about her—a faint, almost imperceptible aura—that marked her as different. Special.

Before Alex could make his move, he sensed them. Devils. They emerged from the darkness like predators, their eyes glowing with an unnatural light, their movements fluid and inhuman. There were three of them, each radiating an aura of malevolence. These were not the disciplined Devils who worked for SAGA; these were rogues, outcasts who had found a new purpose in the underbelly of Satceb—human trafficking.

The girl backed away, her fear palpable as the Devils closed in. Alex remained hidden, his mind racing as he considered his options. His mission was clear: capture the girl and deliver her to SAGA. But something tugged at him, a feeling he couldn't quite shake. He had seen too much, done too much, to be swayed by a child's fear. Yet, there was something in her eyes that stirred a memory long buried, a flicker of something he thought he'd lost.

The lead Devil reached out, a cruel smile twisting his features as he prepared to grab the girl. But before he could touch her, Alex moved.

He stepped out of the shadows, his presence commanding the attention of the Devils instantly. They turned toward him, their expressions shifting from predatory anticipation to cautious wariness. They recognized him—everyone in Satceb knew of Alex Victory, the man who had shattered more than just bones in his time with SAGA.

"Walk away," Alex said, his voice a low growl that carried through the still night air. "Now."

The Devils hesitated, their instincts warning them of the danger, but their greed overrode their caution. The lead Devil sneered, revealing a sharp, immense aura. "She's worth more than you can imagine, SAGA dog. Step aside, and we'll pretend we didn't see you."

Alex's eyes narrowed. He had no patience for threats, especially not from scum like them. He clenched his fists, and the air around him was heavily distorted. Reality itself was bending under the force of his will. His combat style was unlike any other—it was ineffable, a blend of raw physical power and an ability to shatter the illusions that Devils so often relied on. When Alex fought, he fought not just in the physical realm but in the very fabric of pataphysics.

With a single step, Alex closed the distance between himself and the lead Devil. His fist struck out, not merely hitting flesh and bone but tearing through the Devil's paracausal defenses as if they were tissue paper. The Devil's eyes widened in shock as his body crumpled, his form flickering as the reality he had anchored himself to shattered under the force of Alex's blow.

The other two Devils reacted instantly, but they were too slow. Alex was already upon them, his movements a blur as he dismantled them with brutal efficiency. He didn't just defeat them—he erased them, unraveling their existence in a way that left no trace of their presence. In less than Planck time, the alley was silent once more, the Devils gone as if they had never existed.

The girl stared at Alex, her eyes wide with a mix of fear and awe. She had seen what he had done, and she knew that he was not like the others who had come after her. But that didn't make him safe.

"Why did you save me?" she whispered, her voice trembling.

Alex didn't answer immediately. He studied her, his mind calculating the risks and benefits of his actions. His mission was clear, and he had no intention of deviating from it. But something about her made him pause, made him question the orders he had been given.

Before he could respond, a voice crackled in his earpiece. "Alex, you found her. Good. Bring her to me now. SAGA is getting impatient."

It was his informant, a man named Dorian who had been Alex's contact in the city for years. Dorian was a human, a man who thrived in the shadows of Satceb's dark politics, dealing in secrets and lies. He was SAGA's eyes and ears in the city, and his loyalty was always to the highest bidder.

Alex nodded, though Dorian couldn't see him. "I'm on my way."

He turned to the girl, his expression unreadable. "You're coming with me."

She hesitated, then nodded, knowing she had little choice. As they made their way through the twisting alleys, Alex couldn't shake the feeling that this mission was more complicated than it seemed. The girl was important—too important for SAGA to simply want her captured. And the Devils who had been after her weren't just ordinary traffickers. There was something deeper at play, something that went beyond the usual games of power and control.

As they approached the rendezvous point, Alex found himself wondering if he was truly prepared for what was to come. The darkness of Satceb was more than just a physical presence—it was a living thing, an ever-present force that shaped the lives of everyone who walked its streets. And in that darkness, even the most loyal agents could find themselves questioning their orders, their purpose, and their very existence.

For Alex Victory, the night was far from over. And the shadows of Satceb were only just beginning to close in.

Posted by Suggsverse