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Chapter 5: Lion Claws and Swan Feathers

The Heidt village was a world apart from the dark and twisted alleys of Satceb. Nestled in the embrace of rolling hills and ancient trees, it was a place that seemed untouched by the chaos that defined the world beyond its borders. The air here was crisp, carrying the scent of pine and earth, and the sky, unmarred by the Red Trident’s fractured presence, stretched out in a clear, endless blue. It was a place of peace, of quiet, and of forgotten things.

Ragina, once known as The Vexing Matriarch, had chosen this village for precisely those reasons. Her life as a Devil, one of unbridled destruction and fear, felt like a distant memory in this serene setting. Here, she was not a monster or a harbinger of chaos. She was simply Ragina, a woman who had left behind a life that no longer defined her. The villagers, oblivious to her past, welcomed her as one of their own, and she had found solace in their simple ways.

But as she tended to her small garden, the tranquility she had come to cherish was shattered by a sudden, bone-deep awareness. The past, it seemed, had finally caught up with her.

The scene shifted abruptly to the bustling, chaotic heart of Satceb, where Commander Seraphine Valis was deep in the throes of an investigation. The stark contrast between the calm of the Heidt village and the tense atmosphere of Satceb underscored the ever-present conflict in the world of Xnozamist. Valis was not one to shy away from a challenge, and the recent Devil-related incidents had placed her at the forefront of a new and dangerous hunt. Her team, though skilled, often provided moments of levity that broke the tension of their relentless pursuit.

"Anything on The Devil of Glories, Lava?" Valis asked as they sifted through a pile of reports.

Lava, a sharp-tongued investigator with a penchant for sarcasm, shook her head. "Nothing concrete, Commander. He’s like a ghost—shows up, causes chaos, and then vanishes without a trace. If I didn’t know better, I’d say he’s toying with us."

Zelina, the team's tech expert, chimed in with a grin. "Maybe he’s just camera shy, Lava. Give the guy a break."

Valis’s lips twitched in a half-smile, but her eyes remained focused and serious. "Keep digging. Whoever this Devil of Glories is, he’s key to unraveling this mess. I want answers, and I want them yesterday."

As her team continued their work, Valis couldn’t shake the feeling that they were on the edge of something big—something that could change everything they knew about the world of Devils.

Meanwhile, in the shadows of the city, Alex Victory, still disguised as the unassuming Oboro, was receiving a new assignment from Dorian. The setting was one of SAGA's many safe houses, a nondescript building in a forgotten part of Satceb. The air inside was thick with the scent of old paper and dust, the remnants of long-forgotten missions lingering like ghosts.

"Ragina, the Vexing Matriarch," Dorian began, sliding a thin dossier across the table to Alex. "SAGA wants her back. She’s resurfaced in the Heidt village. You’re to bring her in."

Alex flipped through the file, his eyes scanning the sparse details. "She’s powerless now," he remarked, more to himself than to Dorian. "Why the sudden interest?"

Dorian leaned back, his expression unreadable. "That’s what we need to find out. The Vexing Matriarch was once one of the most dangerous Devils, capable of unimaginable destruction. And then, one day, her powers just… vanished. SAGA believes she might hold the key to understanding more about the nature of Devils and their powers. Whatever happened to her, it’s something we need to know."

The mission was clear, but Alex couldn’t shake the feeling of unease that settled in his chest. Ragina was no longer a threat, but the implications of her capture were heavy with uncertainty. SAGA was not known for mercy, and the fate that awaited her once she was back in their hands was likely far from kind.

As Alex prepared to leave, he was joined by Khamerernebty, a Stya who had become an integral part of his operations. Khamerernebty was a being of few words, her presence almost ethereal. She existed in the spaces between reality and illusion, a medium capable of tracking people and objects through the threads of possibility that only she could see.

"Khamerernebty," Alex greeted her with a nod, acknowledging the quiet power she wielded.

She met his gaze, her expression as unreadable as ever. "The Vexing Matriarch is waiting for us. The threads of possibility converge on her location."

Her voice was devoid of emotion, but there was an undercurrent of inevitability to her words. Khamerernebty had always been a mystery to Alex, a paradox of existence that he couldn’t fully comprehend. Yet, despite her cold demeanor, there was a bond between them, forged in the fires of countless missions and near-void plunging experiences. She was his guide through the labyrinth of uncertainty, and her presence, though often unsettling, was one he had come to rely on.

Together, they made their way to the Heidt village, the journey marked by an eerie stillness that seemed to hang over the world in the aftermath of the destabilization event. The village itself was a stark contrast to the chaos they had left behind—a peaceful enclave untouched by the darkness that had consumed so much of the world. But that peace was fragile, and as they approached, Alex could sense the tension beneath the surface.

Ragina was waiting for them, as if she had known this moment would come. She stood at the edge of her garden, her hands stained with soil, her expression calm but resigned. The years had softened her, but there was a weight in her eyes that spoke of a past that could never be forgotten.

"You’ve come to take me back," she said, her voice devoid of surprise. It wasn’t a question, but a statement of fact.

Alex nodded, his gaze steady. "It’s my mission."

Ragina looked at him, her eyes searching his face for something—perhaps a hint of mercy, or understanding. But there was nothing there to find. Alex was a Devil, and he had long ago learned to bury whatever remnants of humanity still lingered within him.

"I don’t have anything left," she said quietly. "My powers are gone. I’m no threat to anyone anymore."

"That’s not for me to decide," Alex replied, his tone neutral. "SAGA wants you, and I’m here to bring you in."

There was a long silence, broken only by the distant sound of the wind rustling through the trees. Ragina didn’t resist. There was no fight left in her, no desire to run or hide. She had been waiting for this moment, knowing that her past would eventually catch up to her.

As Alex moved to take her into custody, he couldn’t help but feel a pang of something—regret, perhaps, or pity. But he pushed it aside, focusing on the task at hand. Ragina was just another mission, another target. Nothing more.

The return to Satceb was uneventful, the journey marked by a heavy silence that neither Alex nor Ragina seemed inclined to break. Khamerernebty, as always, was a quiet presence, her mind focused on the threads of possibility that only she could see.

When they arrived at SAGA’s headquarters, Ragina was immediately taken into custody, her fate now in the hands of the organization that had once feared her power. The cold, clinical environment of SAGA’s interrogation rooms was a far cry from the peaceful village she had called home, and the transition was stark.

SAGA’s interest in Ragina was not merely academic. They wanted to know how she had lost her powers, what secrets she might hold about the nature of Devils, and whether her condition could be replicated or weaponized. The interrogations began almost immediately, with Ragina subjected to a series of tests and questions designed to break through the walls she had built around herself.

But Ragina was not easily broken. The years of solitude had given her a strength that SAGA had not anticipated, and though she was powerless, she remained resolute. The memories of her past, the destruction she had wrought, weighed heavily on her, but she refused to give SAGA the answers they sought. It was a small act of defiance, but in a world where she had lost everything, it was all she had left.

As Ragina’s interrogation continued, Commander Valis and her team were drawing closer to the truth about The Devil of Glories. They had received a tip about suspicious activity involving an international criminal, a lead that had brought them dangerously close to intersecting with Alex Victory’s mission.

Valis was relentless in her pursuit, her mind sharp and focused as she pieced together the fragments of information that had eluded her for so long. The Devil of Glories was a mystery, a figure shrouded in shadows, but she was determined to uncover his true identity. Every clue, every lead brought her one step closer, and though she didn’t yet realize it, her investigation was bringing her dangerously close to the world of SAGA and the Devils they controlled.

In the quiet moments between the chaos, Valis found herself reflecting on the nature of Devils, the beings who had once been human but were now something else entirely. The war had changed everything, reshaping the world in ways that were still being understood. Devils were a product of that change, but they were also a threat—a reminder of the power that had nearly destroyed everything.

The peaceful facade of the Heidt village had been shattered, and the dark atmosphere of Satceb loomed over everything, a constant reminder that in the world of Xnozamist, peace was always fleeting, and the shadows were never far behind.

Posted by Suggsverse