Dlclaifsein Article – Blank Page
⎈The JOKER⎈’s Dlclaifsein cosmogony reveals that every Blank Page in the Heir to the Stars stories is actually a plot/story/narrative that has been deemed unwritten. There was once something there, but now there isn't... at least to your eyes.
Dating all the way back to the original Heir to the Stars paperback to the where the series now, it is true that every Blank Page that you saw at the beginning of the books, some in the middle, and most at the end of the books are plots/stories/narratives that are beyond language, meta-conceptualization and description of Fiction, Nonfiction, Transfiction, Fanfiction, Metafiction, Patafiction, Interfiction, Personal Fiction, Impersonal Fiction, Incompatibilism Fiction, Impossible Fiction, Speculative Fiction, Xenofiction, Universal Genre, Universal Trope, Paratexts, Memetic Fiction, Transformation Fiction, a priori and a posteriori Fiction, Cogito ergo sum Fiction, Cosmogony Fiction, Linguistic modality Fiction, Qualia Fiction, If and only if ___Fiction, Meaning (non-linguistic) Fiction, ∀fiction, and Summum Fiction.
That which is happening on these Blank Pages function on a stage that is outside of meta-conceptualization and grand meta-narrative entirely, where language and descriptions fail to attempt to express the quintessence of what’s happening, what has happened, or what could happen. The Blank Pages does in truth possess a story/plot/narrative, but they exist outside of words, labels, and categories altogether.
Everything that is happening on these Blank Pages is in relation to the book in particular. Only those that exist on Tier 0 and above are fully aware of what's happening on these pages.
Beyond the "Blank Pages", every blank or empty space at the beginning of a written or printed line or paragraph, within, and after anything that is written is also an inaccessible shift of the Story/Plot/Narrative that has been masked from the aforementioned list of fictions.
The one that is responsible for the Blank Pages is none other than: