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Dusanowo Illsoul

"To know oneself is to conquer the greatest battlefield of all."

Photo NovelWebsite Exclusive
PhysiologyBlack Tenet
HeightImmeasurable by Human Comprehension
WeightImmeasurable by Human Comprehension
Eye ColorRed
Hair ColorBlack
Birth DateInapplicable
Birth PlaceInapplicable
StatusBeyond Existence and Nonexistence
GenderMasculine Principle
Love InterestsNone

Dusanowo Illsoul is a character that appears on www.heirtothestars.com.

Dusanowo Illsoul is a paradoxical figure, embodying both the ferocity of a warrior and the introspection of a philosopher. Beneath his hardened exterior lies a mind as sharp as a blade, constantly probing the depths of existential inquiry and seeking to unravel the mysteries of the universe. He is driven by a thirst for knowledge and a desire to understand the chaotic forces that shape the world around him.

In battle, Dusanowo is a force to be reckoned with, his combat prowess matched only by his strategic acumen. He thrives amidst the chaos of conflict, finding clarity in the heat of battle and channeling his intellect into the art of warfare. Yet, even amidst the bloodshed and carnage, there is a method to his madness—a calculated precision that belies his outward appearance of ferocity.

Outside of battle, Dusanowo is akin to a contemplative soul, prone to deep philosophical musings and existential ponderings. He is unafraid to confront the darker aspects of human nature and is drawn to the chaos and uncertainty that lurks at the fringes of existence. His quest for enlightenment drives him ever onward, propelling him to seek answers to questions that others fear to ask.


Dusanowo Illsoul, a name whispered with a mix of fear and reverence in the annals of history, was not merely a Black Tenet but an embodiment of chaos personified. Born amidst the shadows of the void, his journey was etched with the blood of countless battles and the echoes of philosophical musings that transcended mortal understanding.

In the desolate slums that hugged the outskirts of the void, Dusanowo's existence unfolded like a tragic symphony, each note resonating with the harsh realities of survival and strife. It was amidst the rubble and decay of his hometown that he first learned the art of combat, honing his skills amidst the ceaseless chaos that gripped his surroundings. The streets, once his playground, became the crucible in which his destiny was forged, each skirmish shaping him into a formidable warrior.

Yet, beneath the veneer of violence lurked the mind of a philosopher, a seeker of truth amidst the chaos of existence. Dusanowo's thirst for knowledge was as insatiable as his lust for battle, and he delved into the depths of existential inquiry with a fervor that bordered on obsession. His philosophical musings, steeped in the esoteric wisdom of the void, challenged the very fabric of reality, pushing the boundaries of Deus' comprehension beyond their be-ness.

It was this presence—the juxtaposition of brute strength and intellectual prowess—that set Dusanowo apart from his contemporaries. While others sought power through sheer force of arms, he wielded his intellect like a weapon, carving a path of destruction through the annals of history with the precision of a surgeon and the ruthlessness of a conqueror.

In the annals of the Zerrziel underworld, Dusanowo's name became synonymous with terror, a spectral presence that haunted the dreams of those who dared to cross his path.

Though his fate may have been sealed amidst the chaos of battle, the echoes of his philosophy continue to reverberate through the void, inspiring both fear and fascination in equal measure. For in the realm of Dusanowo Illsoul, where chaos reigns supreme, the line between darkness and enlightenment blurs, and the true nature of existence is laid bare for those brave enough to seek it.


Dusanowo Illsoul utilizes Suggsphysics to command the "Carmine Blackness" of Black Ontology.

Carmine Blackness - Maria: Dusanowo envelops the target within a powerful ineffable expanse of negative stillness that takes the form of an unrealizeable box of black negative energy, covered in several spear-like protrusions. The spears then pierce the box, lacerating the one inside from every mode and attribute, superseding the target's be-ness to erase the transhierarchical actuality of the transfictional narrative target.

Carmine Blackness - Cassandra: Dusanowo summons a darker-than-black pentagon-shaped barrier that cancels out the transfictional be-ness, wholeness, and otherness of an incoming narrative target, transcendentally eternally.

Carmine Blackness - Sophia: Dusanowo creates a widening ineffable vibrational-like blast that is fired towards the target, endlessly expanding inwards onto the target, endlessly countering and retroactively denying the absolute boundless multiplicity transcendental hierarchy of the boundless layers of the transhierarchical actuality of the transfictional narrative target.

Posted by Suggsverse