Forasverse is that which fully transcends "inaccessible indeterminate maximum qualitative absolute infinitely-layered beyond dimensional reality" transhierarchies on a metaconceptual or existential level, to the point of being considered completely detached and eternal transcendentally inaccessible to the layers below.
Forasverse contains boundless expanses of uncountably beyond infinite dimension realities and transhierarchical cosmologies that have an astronomical scope similarly analogous to them, such as uncountably infinite sets of hierarchical layers or planes of existence.
Forasverse, at the lowest level, encompasses a boundlessness that is beyond transcendental abstract levels of existence that stand conceptually superior to any hierarchy or system of hierarchies or beyond real, imaginary, and natural numbers of hierarchies above beyond-dimensional reality or metapotent entities, as well as the framework in which such entities are defined in the first place.
Upon even reaching the ability to perceive the Forasverse, a character has completely surpassed the reality of being inaccessible to all extensions of uncountable infinities and so on. Mathematically, characters at this point have surpassed inaccessible and strongly inaccessible cardinals as well at the alternative expressions of it. In fact, abstract mathematically, characters at this point are strongly inaccessibly bigger than any conceivable or inconceivable quantitive value, as well as beyond any notion of category theory and model theory.