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Hidden Chapter: “The Tragic Fate of The Metaphys”

Table of Contents

    Origins and Family Life

    The Keepsake of the Acclamation, originally a brilliant void-engineer from the world of Visaskarma, was a self-made man in the faction of Sliholphin over 800 years ago. His intellect and skills in void-engineering earned him great respect and a comfortable life. He married the love of his life, and they were blessed with a daughter, Lys. The Keepsake of the Acclamation, known then as the Metaphys, cherished his family deeply. His happiest moments were spent at home, surrounded by the warmth of his wife and the innocent laughter of his daughter.

    War Erupts: The Rise of the Cosmolantis

    Their peaceful existence was shattered when Vragvirion, under Narkissus's patronage, developed the "casket of time" anti-narrative spells and sought independence to reclaim their lost freedom. Sliholphin, deeming these spells a dire threat, declared war on Vragvirion. The Keepsake of the Acclamation, loyal to Sliholphin, was among the elite warriors called to form the Cosmolantis of Visaskarma. Taking on the title of "The Metaphys," he joined forces with The Keepsake of the Glory, The Keepsake of the Pride, The Keepsake of the Auspicious, The Keepsake of the Discordance, The Keepsake of the Prosperity, and The Keepsake of the Silence. Through Sliholphin's advanced technology, they were rendered Transhierarchical, becoming leaders on the battlefield and heroes to the common people.

    The Strain of War on Family

    Despite his dedication to the cause, The Keepsake of the Acclamation yearned for his family. The war kept him away for extended periods, but he always made a point to return home whenever possible. He cherished the moments when he could kiss his daughter on the cheek at dawnbreak, a tender ritual that gave him strength to continue fighting. During one brief visit home, he found an unusual abstract gem and gifted it to Lys, promising that one day she would give him a present in return. His wife, hopeful for the future, assured him that Lys would grow up to make him proud.

    The Plan and the Betrayal

    As the war reached its climax, the Sliholphin government devised a plan to end the conflict by sealing Vragvirion's Eight Warlords inside Aliezmus. The Cosmolantis were to carry out this mission, which would force Vragvirion to the negotiating table. However, the leaders of Sliholphin, fearing the growing power and popularity of the Cosmolantis, betrayed them. Through a grand-meta-narrative gate, they banished the Cosmolantis, the sealed Warlords, the soldiers of both factions, and the entire battlefield to the world of Aesarthim. The betrayal was compounded by a seal placed upon the land, binding it to Aesarthim through eight great Aliezmus, each representing a different element.

    The Shattering of The Keepsake of the Acclamation

    This act of treachery broke The Keepsake of the Acclamation. The realization that his family, who did not possess the same Transhierarchical upgrades as he did, would not live long enough for a reunion, left him in despair. Stranded in Aesarthim, he was consumed by grief and a sense of profound loss. His once brilliant mind, capable of creating wonders, now grappled with the darkness of betrayal and the pain of eternal separation from his loved ones.

    A Life in Exile

    In Aesarthim, The Keepsake of the Acclamation struggled to adapt to his new reality. The world was unfamiliar, and his heart ached for the family he had been torn away from. Despite his sorrow, he found solace in his work, using his void-engineering skills to contribute to the development of the new society forming in this alien world. However, the memory of his wife and daughter haunted him, a constant reminder of the life he had lost.

    Resentment and the Call to Revenge

    The Keepsake of the Acclamation's despair gradually transformed into resentment and a burning desire for revenge. When The Keepsake of the Silence discovered an unwritten narrative that detailed a way to return to their original world, he saw an opportunity to avenge the betrayal of Sliholphin. Although he had initially sought peace in Aesarthim, the loss of his family and the realization that they could never be reunited fueled his decision to rejoin the Cosmolantis and partake in their grand plan of revenge.

    Posted by Suggsverse