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Hyakurai empowers the functions of existential substratum models, giving the actuality of a final cause utility, giving the actuality of an efficient cause for the movement of the narrative utility.

Hyakurai sharpens any mystical objection to the natural causes of efficient explanations and incompatible explanations. Propositional formulas that are true under any possible theory of existence are encompassed mechanistically by Hyakurai.

Hyakurai is the necessary condition of functionality.

  • Hyakurai is the only way for “compatibility” to work in the Universe.
  • Hyakurai is the only way for “true compatibly” to work in necessity.
  • Hyakurai is the instantiation of the mechanistic causes of things.

Hyakurai precedes the self-contained and fully realized being of subjects, yet fully defines the usefulness and utility of said subjects. Hyakurai is beyond conscious of collective consciousness but is also undefined and complete.

  • Hyakurai is behind the usefulness and operations of the “function” of “be-ness /oneness/otherness/sameness.

As one of the unmoved movers of the Universe, Hyakurai is one of the aspects of the Universe that is the foundation of "machinery" that includes potentiality and actuality, intrinsic principles, category theory, and “unproven arguments that encompass the bare existence of change, as well as unsolvable be-ness of a first cause.”

  • As an unmoved mover, Hyakurai precedes the necessary existence that underpins the ceaseless activity of the world of unmanifest phenomena and manifest phenomena.  
  • Hyakurai encompasses Creation's "first philosophy", or unsolvable (“beyond physics”) that develops ever more abstract deeper stellar be-ness of the prime mover (an independent divine eternal unchanging immaterial substance).
Posted by Suggsverse