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Infinidream Primera

"In chaos, there is opportunity. Embrace it, and wield its power."

Photo NovelWebsite Exclusive
PhysiologyBlack Tenet
HeightImmeasurable by Human Comprehension
WeightImmeasurable by Human Comprehension
Eye ColorRed
Hair ColorBlack
Birth DateInapplicable
Birth PlaceInapplicable
StatusBeyond Existence and Nonexistence
GenderMasculine Principle
Love InterestsNone

Infinidream Primera is a character that appears on www.heirtothestars.com.

Infinidream Primera is a figure shrouded in mystery and complexity, embodying a blend of charisma, intellect, and existential nihilism. He possesses an uncanny ability to inspire loyalty and devotion in his followers, drawing them into his orbit with his magnetic presence and visionary rhetoric. Behind his enigmatic facade lies a profound sense of disillusionment with the world, driving him to challenge the established order and disrupt the status quo.

At his core, Infinidream is a philosopher-warrior, viewing the world through the lens of existentialism and seeking to unravel the mysteries of existence through his actions. He is not motivated by conventional desires for power or wealth but by a deeper quest for meaning in a cosmology he perceives as inherently chaotic and meaningless.

Infinidream's personality is characterized by a paradoxical blend of ruthlessness and compassion, as he navigates the moral ambiguity of his role as both a criminal mastermind and a champion of the oppressed. He revels in the chaos he creates, seeing it as a canvas upon which he can paint his vision of a new world order.

Despite his nihilistic worldview, there is a hint of idealism in Infinidream, a belief that through chaos and upheaval, true change and progress can emerge. He is a complex and enigmatic figure, forever teetering on the edge between light and darkness, order and chaos, as he seeks to leave his indelible mark on the tapestry of suggsverse.


Infinidream Primera, the enigmatic leader of the notorious Sinngeist, occupies a unique space in the annals of history, straddling the line between villainy and heroism, chaos and order. His legacy, shrouded in mystery and controversy, continues to captivate the imaginations of scholars and storytellers alike.

At the heart of Infinidream's persona lies a magnetic charisma and unparalleled strength, qualities that earned him the unwavering loyalty of his followers. He wielded his influence like a master puppeteer, orchestrating countless schemes and inciting conflicts that rippled across the fabric of the Adularian Confederation. To his subordinates, he was not just a leader but a legend, a figure whose very presence inspired awe and reverence.

Yet, beneath the facade of a charismatic leader lies a complex and multifaceted individual driven by a profound sense of nihilism. Infinidream's actions were not motivated by mere greed or ambition but by a deeper desire to unravel the fabric of creation itself. He viewed the world through a lens of existential despair, believing that conflict and chaos were the truest expressions of the universe's inherent meaninglessness.

Infinidream's seemingly contradictory nature—alternately labeled as a vicious criminal and an honorable thief—speaks to the ambiguity of his character. While some saw him as a champion of the downtrodden, a Robin Hood-like figure defying the oppressive aristocracy, others viewed him as a destabilizing force bent on sowing discord and upheaval.

His involvement in pivotal events, such as bestowing his void-stealing blade upon a chosen individual to vanquish a looming Ehrima threat, only adds to the enigma surrounding his true intentions. Was he a noble hero sacrificing himself for the greater good, or a cunning manipulator using others as pawns in his grand cosmic game?


Infinidream Primera utilizes Suggsphysics to command the "Apex Conqueror's Blackness" of Black Ontology.

Apex Conqueror's Blackness - The Pledge: Infinidream Primera draws his katana, denying the aspects of the target's oneness or unity of all existence, erasing the distinctions between individuality and the ultimate reality -- Void.

Apex Conqueror's Blackness - The Turn: Infinidream Primera generates a helix representing the supreme, unchanging, and formless void beyond all manifestations. This helix denies the concept of complexity and abstraction, as well as the key aspects of creation that connect one's "self" to creation and the background of creation.

Apex Conqueror's Blackness - The Prestige: Infinidream Primera generates the void beyond which beckons beyond the far reaches of human comprehension, existing as an elusive background of creation that spirals beyond the boundaries of both unmanifest abstraction and manifest conceptualization. When one attempts to grasp its essence, it slips through the tendrils of understanding like mist through fingers. It stands as the void beyond the creation, overshadowing the very foundations of formal cataphysics, stretching boundlessly into the uncharted territories of the unfathomable Transhierarchical actuality of the transfictional narrative target to deny said target.

Posted by Suggsverse