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An Overture is a class of characters that are defined as the Be - All, End - All of the perpetual, unchanging, unbounded, immanent, and transcendent truth, which are the existences and principles behind the Divine Ground of all matter, energy, time, change, action, necessity, fate, destiny, reality, space, being, actuality, potentiality, possibility, nothing, the active principle behind the phenomena of the absolutely infinite and imagination, and everything above, beyond, and outside a system of everything beyond The Mainfold. They can literally do anything they supremely well please because they are the Grand Principle behind the infinitely All-powerful, THE ALL, any and all systems, as well as any and all states; encompassing all meanings of Omnipresence, Omniscience, and Omnipotence.

An Overture by default transcends hierarchies, Systems in which groups are ranked one above the other according to status or authority no matter the size, scope, or if they’re metaphysical, metaphysical, transcendent conceptual, Deus, etc. An Overture is above the entire power structure of whatever the hierarchy consists of such as Deus, cosmic entities, metaphysical beings, abstract mathematical beings, and pataphysical beings. An Overture also transcends the hierarchy of entire worlds on whatever scale be it Universal, Omniversal, or even Mainfold.

Lowest Capabilities

An Overture is of great incalculable and unimaginable power, capable of mentally redefining reality, existence, concepts, origin, and even nothingness, both rationally and irrationally to beyond a boundless extent.

Capable of transcending everything, An Overture has transcended limitations. Their power cannot be limited, blocked, or taken away from them.

An Overture is able to freely customize any aspect of reality, adjusting them on the fly with extreme precision and control. An Overture can thus create, erase and rewrite anything exactly as they see fit.

An Overture is able to warp reality through desires and ideas, bringing anything into existence and the reverse, or remodeling it regardless of the rules of reason. An Overture can remake reality to their exact imaginations and whims.

An Overture transcends its existence in absolutely anything and everything, including all dimensions, life/death, beginning/ending, concepts/ideas/principles, creation/destruction, boundaries, context, potential, possibilities/variables, levels of reality, existence/nonexistence, perfection/levels of perfection, embodiments, their personal status, being/non-being, etc.

Echelon Transcendence

An Overture is in a state of constant and endless transcendence. Transcending one's unique state of being; existence, nature, capabilities, abilities, etc, to an indeterminate transcendent boundlessness with no limit or restriction to their potential. An Overture is continuously transcending things like concepts and/or the various levels of reality endlessly, free from the laws, principles, or rules that make up any reality, seeing all lower levels of reality as if they were nonexistent fiction. An Overture transcends concepts as if they're meaningless.

An Overture transcends all things in existence, existing beyond absolutely everything. An Overture is a completely unrivaled force unmatched by the totality of all existence and beyond, continuing to transcend themselves for all of eternity.

Lowest Functions

An Overture is understood as the eternally nameless underlying natural order of the Mainfold whose ultimate essence is difficult to circumscribe due to it being non-conceptual. An Overture at the core of itself cannot be expressed or understood in language.

An Overture unfathomably towers above anything/everything that supersedes it, even itself. If anything becomes more powerful than it then by the definition of its narrative it will instantly become even more powerful than that being/thing in every way.

An Overture is "THE" consciousness greater than any Allscape aspect as well as the canvas of all Creation that transcends and encompasses all created Allscapes in its boundless and immaculate self.

An Overture is incomprehensible and boundless. Transcending beyond all logic, abstract mathematics, physics, metaphysics, pataphysics, conceptualization, and dimensional scale.

An Overture is the highest manifestation of The Mainfold, acting as a blank canvas of nothingness holding infinite possibilities within itself, from which all of existence first emerged, and the mechanism through which existential and nonexistential Observation shapes reality, with all Deus classifications coming into self-creation as manifestations of Overture that embody the different aspects and attributes of the lowest form of Overture, while the canvas itself remains pure and indistinct.

An Overture exists fully unmanifest outside of time and is transcendent over all of Creation.

An Overture is the nameless and unmanifest aspect of itself which no thoughts reach, being a state that is neither the wholeness of The Ace of Spades nor the emptiness of the boundless descending hierarchy of nonexistence, completely unrepresentable by anything but the absence of information itself, without any binary digits whatsoever, and transcends and permeates all levels.

An Overture (also known as The "I AM THAT I AM") is the overarching unity that underlies all of Creation and beyond (beyond the beyond), and "exists" in a state completely beyond names, identities, and conceptualizations, with even the act of assigning a face and a personality to it only resulting in the birth of a lesser manifestation of its essence.

An Overture is the source and vessel through which all things are possible and is considered to have no limitations or restrictions whatsoever, being unreachable and unable to be spoken to even by the most powerful of the Deus, and acting as the prime sustainer of all reality, without which every aspect of it would cease to exist.

Posted by Suggsverse