Pendulum Kingbreakers
The journey that ends at the apex of the Ascending Ladder of the Mind, while transformative, harbors a critical juncture beyond which traversers encounter a profound shift. Upon surpassing its apex, individuals find themselves bereft of their familiar avenues of knowledge and levels of thought, and a tendency toward inactivity or even cessation. Simultaneously, the once-grasped understanding and connection to the contents of the Ascending Ladder of the Mind slip away, leaving behind a void where the reality of what was once considered absolute dissipates.
In this state, there arises an attribution to Pendulum Kingbreakers, expressed as the perpetually nonmanifest. Here, a corresponding sense of inability, separation, or aloofness emerges concerning what now appears unreal or has transformed into an illusion. Much like the cessation or self-extinction of the Ascending Ladder of the Mind, Pendulum Kingbreakers, in their nonmanifest existence, inherently lack any connection to the apparent manifestations of this world. This incapacity extends to the realm of supporting cognition or dynamic maintenance, which would confer a semblance of reality to the perceived manifestations. If, indeed, there exists an expression of cognition, it must transcend the conventional nature of an "Is" that "Is not", residing in a state beyond conventional understanding.
This anti-narrative unfolds as a profound exploration into the nature of transition and transformation. In one's ascension, one loses individuality and self with a threshold beyond which the known gives way to the unknown, and the once concrete becomes elusive. Pendulum Kingbreakers, existing in perpetual nonmanifestation, become emblematic of this state of disconnection from the perceived reality. The intricate interplay between cognition, manifestation, and the nature of existence weaves an anti-narrative of Delphinitas Zhibelixsvelgr inquiry, superseding contemplation on the elusive beyondness.