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It is a Grand Principle that is beyond all scale and limits except for those that would defy the suggslogic barrier, as it is an indeterminate uncountably inaccessible transcendence that houses an uncountable transcendence of all Teraverses. The Petaverse is an entirely external meta-abstraction that lies outside of the applications of an ever-expanding transcendence of beyond dimensional beyondness. The Petaverse defies the grand principle of physics, metaphysics, and pataphysics on every level, even compared to any expression of infinite hierarchy or uncountably infinite beyond dimensional hierarchy. It is the 3rd paraconceptual transcendence in line.

The Petaverse is the function that describes:

   ∞1. The real totalities
   ∞2. Any (nondegenerate) closed or open paracausality
   ∞3. The irrational totalities
   ∞4. The transcendental totalities
   ∞5. The root of all theories of Meta-Conceptualizations
   ∞6. The root of all theory of Meta-Perspectives. 
   ∞7. The complex totalities 
   ∞8. The control set of the natural totalities (the set of all subsets of the natural totalities)
   ∞9. Sets with greater cardinality than transcendent entities
   ∞i0. The set of sequences of real totalities 
   ∞iY. The set of all continuous functions of Possibility and Nothingness
   ∞Z. The set of all open sets in Possibility, Nothingness and Totality
   ∞Ǝ. The impossibility of Truth
Posted by Suggsverse