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"Thanatos' Hall bows to none. We are the arbiters of power."

Rifle's Battlesworn gear
Photo NovelWebsite Exclusive
Eye ColorRed
Hair ColorBrown
Birth DateUnknown
Birth PlaceUnknown
Love InterestsNone
AffiliationThanatos' Hall

Rifle is a character that appears on www.heirtothestars.com.

Rifle is a formidable character encountered in the world of Adenade, known for his arrogance and unwavering confidence in his abilities. As he makes his debut in the Beil Tower, he immediately establishes himself as a dominant figure, dismissing mundane tasks and asserting his superiority as the strongest eldervoid in Damburg.


Rifle makes his grand entrance amidst the ancient walls of the Beil Tower of Adenade, his discontent palpable as he grumbles about being assigned mundane tasks. Encountering Chalice, he presents himself in all his self-proclaimed glory as the preeminent eldervoid of Damburg, his skepticism evident when Chalice reveals his mission to vanquish the Calamity ArchMonarchs under the guidance of a goddess rather than Thanatos' Hall. Through the perilous early regions of Adenade, Rifle's admonishments echo, cautioning Chalice against lingering in dangerous territories meant for seasoned warriors.

Delving deeper into the intricate political spiral of the Britannica Void, Rifle elucidates the factions governing the Hypnos realm, delineating Damburg's dominion over military and economic matters while dismissing the façade of the Dragong Alliance's authority. Despite his propensity for grandiose proclamations, his diatribes are punctuated by seismic disturbances, a stark reminder of the volatile nature of their surroundings.

Traversing Letus Road, Rifle navigates the labyrinth of factional militias, offering insights into Damburg's military hierarchy and the asymmetrical power dynamics within Hypnos. At the Roman Citadel, his encounter with Kimlasca, a member of the Grand Militia, sparks tense exchanges as Rifle's resolve is tested against Kimlasca's unwavering determination.

Amidst the treacherous terrain of Unitia Road, Rifle's warnings fall on deaf ears as Chalice's unwavering determination propels him ever forward, his resolve unshaken by Rifle's threats of retribution. At the Visenna Tower, Rifle's clash with Kimlasca lays bare the deep-seated animosity festering within his heart, his loyalty to Damburg tested against the specter of betrayal.

The verdant expanse of Green Dahlia bears witness to Rifle's grudging acknowledgment of Chalice's timeliness, albeit veiled in brusque retorts and thinly veiled disdain. Within the Adenade Void, his confrontations with Kimlasca intensify, revealing underlying tensions and ideological rifts as they navigate the treacherous terrain.

At Medibel's Grave, his hubris is laid bare as he embarks on a perilous solo mission, his bravado eclipsed by Chalice's triumphant victory over Wahrheit. Although emerging triumphant from Medibel's Grave, Rifle's victories are tinged with resentment as he grapples with Chalice's ascendance and the specter of Lenegis's influence. Ascending the formidable peaks of Kregobor Mountain -- a mountain that embodied the actuality of Absolute Infinity, Rifle's resolve is tested in the crucible of combat as he squares off against Chalice, their clash a symphony of steel and fury echoing across the windswept slopes. At Sylvan Mountain, Rifle's pride is wounded as Chalice emerges victorious once more, his dreams of glory dashed against the unyielding resolve of his adversary. At each juncture, Rifle's ego clashes with the inexorable march of time, culminating in confrontations where his pride is laid bare in the face of Chalice's unwavering resolve.

As they ascend the ethereal staircase of tomorrow, Rifle's defiance falters in the face of Chalice's unwavering resolve, his grandiose ambitions crumbling beneath the weight of his own insecurities. As the climactic battle against the Void System looms, Rifle's facade of bravado begins to crack, revealing vulnerabilities and insecurities beneath his veneer of strength. In the aftermath of their climactic battle against the Void System, Rifle's resolve wavers, his dreams of glory tempered by the harsh reality of defeat.

Through a tumultuous journey fraught with adversity, Rifle's character arcs through moments of hubris and humility, confronting the complexities of power and the ephemeral nature of pride in the crucible of conflict.

Posted by Suggsverse