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"The choices you make define your truth."

Photo NovelWebsite Exclusive
Weight100 lbs
Eye ColorBrown
Hair ColorBlack
Birth DateUnknown
Birth Place?
Love InterestsNone
AffiliationZaiga (Formerly)

Ronyx is a character that appears on www.heirtothestars.com.

In the cosmic mystery of existence, Ronyx was born with an extraordinary gift—the innate ability to manipulate quantum gates bridging worlds and navigate the void to explore alternate timelines. This rare and coveted skill did not escape the discerning eye of Zaiga, the Stygian, a being of shadow and inscrutable intent. In his relentless pursuit of power and dominion, Zaiga singled out Ronyx as the ideal recipient for one of his infamous augmentations.

Subjected to the arcane and malevolent machinations of Zaiga, Ronyx underwent a metamorphosis that transcended the boundaries of mere augmentation. Transformed into a formidable warrior, her very essence intertwined with the negative energy that pulsed through the cosmos. Zaiga, ever the puppeteer of cosmic destinies, harnessed Ronyx's enhanced prowess to serve as his weapon in the harrowing Black Cipher Wars.

Amidst the ethereal battlegrounds of these interdimensional conflicts, Ronyx, now a manifestation of both quantum mastery and Stygian augmentation, waged war on behalf of her shadowy benefactor. Her existence became a nexus where the threads of possibility and annihilation wove intricate twisting threads of cosmic strife.


Ronyx emerges as a mysterious and formidable figure, a cyborg fashioned for lethal purposes, conceived by the deranged Eldervoid Zaiga. Delving into Ronyx's enigmatic origins, the truth remains largely shrouded in secrecy, adding an air of intrigue to her character. Speculation abounds, with whispers circulating that she was originally born as an Eldervoid, possessing the latent potential to manipulate the quantum gates that connect disparate worlds. Yet, despite these rumors, her innate powers failed to fully manifest.

The unfolding narrative takes a drastic turn when the war-ravaged Lionscape is forsaken by the Deus, and consigned to the desolate reaches of the outer void. At this desperate juncture, Zaiga, driven by an insatiable desire to escape this forsaken realm, turns his attention to Ronyx. Capturing her, he undertakes a radical transformation, sculpting her into his magnum opus. The result is a heavily augmented Eldervoid, her powers exponentially magnified by Zaiga's dark ingenuity.

Zaiga harbors aspirations that with his augmentations and Ronyx's unique abilities, they can breach the barriers between worlds, specifically the quantum gates, and regain entry into the realm of Diablosis. The story unfolds against the backdrop of Ronyx's dark metamorphosis and the looming question of whether she will become the key to Zaiga's twisted escape plan or find a path of her own in this tumultuous cosmic narrative.

Despite the ruthless modifications imposed upon her by Zaiga, Ronyx's indomitable spirit stood resilient against the tyrant's oppressive control. Even the inclusion of an artificial intelligence system, ceaselessly vying for dominance over her body, failed to subjugate her unyielding will. Each time Zaiga reawakened Ronyx from stasis, she erupted into an uncontrollable frenzy, unleashing havoc upon her surroundings and reducing everything in her path to zero. Zaiga's mechanical enforcers proved futile in restraining her, ultimately succumbing to her unstoppable might and transforming into mere alloy scraps.

Unearthed records salvaged from Lionscape, discovered during the enigmatic opening of a rift, shed light on additional facets of Zaiga's ominous existence. A harrowing account revealed that, during one of Ronyx's frenzied rampages, she delivered a devastating blow that inflicted severe damage upon Zaiga. The malevolent mastermind, crippled and weakened, was compelled to retreat into the shadows, hidden from the world as he endeavored to recuperate from the grievous wounds inflicted by his own creation.

Haunted by the memory of Ronyx's unleashed fury, Zaiga chose to remain elusive, only emerging from seclusion when dire circumstances demanded his sinister presence. The revelation of these lost records adds layers to Ronyx's tumultuous existence and the looming threat that Zaiga still poses, lurking in the shadows, ever-watchful and poised to reemerge.

After countless epochs dedicated to research and relentless modifications, Zaiga achieved the unimaginable: he discovered a means to subject Ronyx to his dominion. A colossal facility, meticulously designed with the singular intent of imprisoning Ronyx, emerged from the culmination of Zaiga's ambitions. However, beneath the facade of captivity lay the facility's true purpose — a monumental negative energy conduit. This intricate apparatus was crafted not only to confine Ronyx but primarily to function as a conduit capable of harnessing the esoteric negative energies from the void beyond voids. The essence of the facility was to amplify Ronyx's powers to unprecedented levels.

Within the confines of the Conduit, Ronyx found herself submerged in an influx of boundless negative energy, a torrent from the cosmic depths. Empowered beyond human comprehension, she tore open a rift in the very fabric of the Outer Void. Yet, as the Conduit channeled its colossal negative energy, the artificial intelligence system that had hitherto overridden Ronyx's autonomy faltered under the immense load. The malfunction triggered a cataclysmic event.

Ronyx, now a vessel of uncontrollable might, unleashed an assault of such magnitude that it shattered the abyss into fragments. Harnessing the last vestiges of her waning strength, she manipulated the Conduit to evade the grasp of Zaiga and his mechanical legion, extricating it from the Outer Void's clutches. In a final act of defiance, Ronyx safeguarded the Conduit beyond the reach of her malevolent creator, leaving Zaiga and his minions bereft of the ultimate power they had sought to command.


The voidcryst, a petite sphere of profound darkness, harbors an arcane force extracted from the abyssal void rift. Despite its diminutive size, no larger than the fist of a young child, the voidcryst holds immense power within its depths. A sporadic crimson glow emanates from the sphere, unveiling a mesmerizing labyrinth of intricate lines etched beneath its smooth exterior.

Functioning as a power amplifier, the voidcryst possesses the uncanny ability to exponentially enhance the innate abilities of its possessor. When activated, it bestows upon its bearer unparalleled physical capabilities in relation to human statistics, elevating them to extraordinary levels. This newfound strength, however, comes at a significant cost—the peril of inflicting irreversible damage to the bearer's own body.

The voidcryst, in essence, becomes a double-edged sword, offering a tempting surge in power but exacting a toll on the physical well-being of the one who wields it. The constant risk of permanent harm adds an element of tension and consequence to the use of this extraordinary artifact. The play of light across its surface and the delicately carved network of lines hint at the intricate craftsmanship and otherworldly origin of the voidcryst.

Posted by Suggsverse