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Sanctus Twilightjoker

"Possibility and nothingness are mere veils; I tear through them to uncover the truth."

Photo NovelWebsite Exclusive
PhysiologyMaximal Lion
HeightImmeasurable by Human Comprehension
WeightImmeasurable by Human Comprehension
Eye ColorUltramarine
Hair ColorEcru
AgeApophatic to Time
Birth DateInapplicable
Self-CreationThe Lion's Den
StatusBeyond Existence and Nonexistence
GenderMasculine Principle
Love InterestsNone

Sanctus Twilightjoker is a character that appears on www.heirtothestars.com.

Sanctus Twilightjoker is a complex character, defined by his stoic independence, deep sense of duty, and unwavering loyalty. He prefers solitude, using his violent Roar to keep others at a distance, but his heart beats for the Kriegslöwen. Sanctus is driven by a fierce sense of justice and a desire to protect his comrades, even if it means bearing the burden of danger alone. His ability to balance stealth and raw power makes him a unique asset to the Kriegslöwen, capable of handling the most delicate and perilous missions. Despite his reclusive nature, Sanctus's actions are guided by a profound commitment to his cause, making him a silent but powerful force within the Kriegslöwen.

The true reality/unreality of Sanctus Twilightjoker precedes an unmanifest is/is-not that actualizes a megacosm neither real nor unreal, beyond the world of forms.


Sanctus Twilightjoker, a disciple of the legendary Five-Crown King and an esteemed member of the Kriegslöwen, is a character shrouded in mystery and enigma. Known for his reclusive nature, Sanctus preferred solitude and maintained a formidable demeanor, wearing a violent Roar to keep others at a distance. His aloofness, however, did not detract from his unwavering loyalty to the Kriegslöwen. Whenever an opportunity to serve his comrades presented itself, Sanctus would not hesitate to leap into action.

Sanctus was recognized as an extraordinarily talented disciple, his prowess marked by exceptional agility and stealth. These attributes made him the ideal candidate for the clandestine operations typically assigned by the Kriegslöwen. Despite his general avoidance of direct combat, Sanctus possessed a suggsaura capable of ripping through both possibility and nothingness, a testament to his hidden strength. This powerful aura ensured that when he did engage in battle, his display of strength was nothing short of legendary.

As the influence of the Sealed Ehrima began to escalate within the World of the Ehrima, Sanctus grew increasingly suspicious of the growing corruption. With the backing of the Kriegslöwen, he embarked on a covert investigation into the machinations of the Sealed Ehrima. His methods, cloaked in secrecy, led him to uncover critical information about the Chaos Queen. This discovery coincided with the sudden disappearance of the Five-Crown King, leading many to believe there was a connection between the two events.

Sanctus's choice to operate independently stemmed from a profound sense of duty and protection towards his comrades. He was acutely aware of the dangers associated with the classified information he uncovered. By moving alone, he aimed to shield his fellow Kriegslöwen from the peril of being exposed to the sealed, ineffable truths he had discovered.

Sanctus's solitary quest ultimately led to a fateful encounter with one of the Sealed Ehrima's disciples. In the midst of their fierce confrontation, a gateway to another world was inadvertently opened, resulting in both combatants being pulled into the unknown. The exact details of their battle and subsequent disappearance remain veiled in mystery, adding another layer to the already enigmatic figure of Sanctus Twilightjoker.


Sealed Information

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