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Soliloquy Principle

The former applications can only ever “never be” because of The (Unwritten) Soliloquy Principle as it brought about The (Unwritten) Soliloquy Principle, which together established Proto Nothingness. Reaching this point nullifies the other principles of creation, as it has surpassed the former (and stands outside of / next to / fundamental as the ground of Creation). Categories and sub-branches of Proto Nothingness fall under this.

Soliloquy Principle escapes the confines of and perfectly imprisons and eternally denies Definition, Becoming, Identity, and Self. It is before the connection of Proto Nothingness, and without the necessity of Vārvaḍavzūha.

Proto Nothingness is the original Absolute Nonexistence and carries within it the original suggslogic of denial.

Posted by Suggsverse