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The Hall of Seven Echoes

"The pathway to any and all possible modes and attributes of existence and nonexistence collapses the notion of waves and leaves only a solid zero. There is no music with many truths and many uncertainties, only silence. I need to bring back the echoes."

Photo NovelHeir to the Stars: The Unwritten Chapters, Continued Story..., Heir to the Stars III
PhysiologyUltimately Inapplicable, Eden Physiology
Height5'7 (appears)
Weight124 lbs. (appears)
Eye ColorCelestial
Hair ColorBlack
AgeUltimately Inapplicable
Birth DateUltimately Inapplicable
Birth PlaceUnknown
StatusUltimately Inapplicable
Love InterestsNone
TierTier 1 (High)

The Hall of Seven Echoes is one of the three main protagonist characters that appear in the series Continued Story... She is the primary protagonist of Heir to the Stars: The Unwritten Chapters XIII. To see the principle behind the reality of the Hall of Seven Echoes, go here.


Re; Melodybind ~ Kaleidoscope The Hall of Seven Echoes is first mentioned by Destiny♠ when she starts shaping Heir to the Stars, leading The Silver Devil, The Black Monarch, and The Hall of Seven Echoes onto a Road that would guide them to this story.

Heir to the Stars: The Unwritten Chapters XIII

The Hall of Seven Echoes makes her debut in this series.

Before Villain Descendingsword set out to replace the Gods, and before Lucifer Highlander set out to remove all Supreme Beings, and before Adrienne Vespasianus was writing the prelude to their stories, The Hall of the Seven Echoes was waiting for something interesting to happen... The JOKER appeared before The Hall of the Seven Echoes, tasking The Hall of the Seven Echoes with removing the stories all Nexus points. Because of their actions and meta-acts, this placed The Hall of the Seven Echoes in a position to finally “meta-act” within the contents of all stories. However, The Hall of the Seven Echoes would not create a story, but instead, intervene in the contents of other stories, removing the Nexus points.

The Hall of the Seven Echoes would appear within the contents of 'Supreme Being – Meta-Author’s' stories, instantly removing the Supreme Being – Meta-Author from the story that it was writing/written... without any conception of effort, and without even having to use her ‘will’ or ‘act.’ Said Supreme Beings were all (The self-created Supreme Being, which was without a name, created all totality –everything ranging from all of fiction, all of nonfiction, all of transfiction, all of fanfiction, all of metafiction, all of patafiction, all interfiction, all of personal fiction, and all of impersonal fiction. Every form of existence and nonexistence ever mentioned or seen (and above the absolute infinite multiplicity amount never mentioned, seen, or even conceived of yet…) in possibility, uncertainty, and actuality was created by this Supreme Being. It was fully Meta-Omnipotent, Meta-Omniscient, Meta-Omnipresent, Meta-Omnicompetent, Meta-Inverse-Omnipotent, Meta-Omnilock, Meta-Omniperception, and beyond the necessity of its own story and self. It was the author within and outside of Creation and Nothingness.) and beyond.

The Hall of Seven Echoes turned her attention to the next Ultimate Ensemble, which was encompassed by three Supreme Beings. Each one was infinitudes of magnitudes more powerful than the former Supreme Being that The Hall of Seven Echoes had just removed. By just ignoring it, she removed it and the Supreme Beings from ever being... She removed them permanently... never to be a Possibility, Totality, Actuality, Uncertainty, Unknown, or Nothingness.

Right after the former, she had encountered The Black Monarch and The Silver Devil. The two questioned her on why she was removing Nexus Points and why she was under orders of JOKER, only for her challenge the two, refusing to answer their futile questions. After a long-drawn-out one-on-two fight, The Hall of Seven Echoes stopped the fight after surpassing the efforts of the two brothers, explaining that she was now interested as to why the two thought that they could fight on the same level as her, despite the overwhelming difference in levels. But she also knew that the two were interested in learning about THE JOKER. After talking with them, she told them that she would be joining them from here on in. While The Black Monarch declined, it was already decided.

Continued Story...

The Hall of Seven Echoes appears alongside The Silver Devil and The Black Monarch as they venture up the Heir to the Stars cosmic hierarchy in order to dethrone all Authors.

The Hall of Seven Echoes encountered ♠The Ace of Spades♠, easily felling and erasing the former creator of the Suggsverse by simply ignoring him.

In Eternityscape I, The Hall of Seven Echoes encounters Ultimania vé Shion - LCS 1. By this point, The Hall of Seven Echoes has aligned her ideals with the two brothers, as she believes that the Cosmic Hierarchy needs to change. She wanted to make it that ♠The Ace of Spades♠ will cease to be the topic of discussion. She even explains that she partnered up with the two brothers to ensure that they reach their destination. She believes that if they are to reach their goal, then she has to make sure that all negative factors are eliminated.

In Eternityscape L, The Hall of Seven Echoes is challenged by X42S.

Heir to the Stars - The Answer description of

The Hall of Seven Echoes

The Hall of Seven Echoes…

A walking echelon that escapes transcendence. She is responsible for an impassable amount of Creation never existing, and never being able to exist. She placed the first toxic anti-counter within the aspects of All, The All, and THE ALL.

Ranked for paradox creation, author narrative experiments, and cosmic hierarchy malware.

“Out of all of the presences to grace the realm, you are the most dangerous.” Heir to the Stars – The Answer explained.


The Hall of Seven Echoes is generally refined and polite (condescending as well), and displays a curious childish nature, but wiser in deposition than one would think. She is extremely bored of those of True Omnipotence, as she is able to easily overwhelm, being at a level beyond the necessity of such. She is one that is able to carefully look past her own goals to see the real situation at hand. She is also extremely perceptive, able to quickly recognize root imbalances of totality. Despite her uncanny signature of tier, she is not of vanity or pride.

Powers and Abilities

A Meta-Author – Supreme Being that has literally created every feat imaginable and unimaginable within all of fiction, all of nonfiction, all of transfiction, all of fanfiction, all of metafiction, all of patafiction, all interfiction, all of personal fiction, and all of impersonal fiction... is simply so below her, that 0 seems more infinite than it. In her first appearance, it was decided that her power was too great for Creators below a Tier 1 to reach her. This is later proven when she easily erases ♠The Ace of Spades♠ by simply ignoring the Creator.

Beyond the Necessity of Self: The Hall of the Seven Echoes started to fragment away, as the very definition of The Hall of the Seven Echoes was being removed from her level of Eternalism, Actualism, Infinitism, Possiblism, Nihilism, and Totality. However, that did not stop The Hall of the Seven Echoes, as even without her Eternalism, Actualism, Infinitism, Possiblism, Nihilism and Totality, she could still fight against The Silver Devil and The Black Monarch, swinging with absolutely no effort or force, yet being able to push the brothers to necessarily dodge the attack, for it spelled the Perfect End for both of them.

While the two brothers did manage to dodge the attack, the attack was still able to connect, since the very aspect of the attack was outside of Eternalism, Actualism, Infinitism, Possiblism, Nihilism, and Totality.

When the very aspect of The Hall of Seven Echoes from outside of the story / The Hall of Seven Echoes from inside of the story that was ever conceived was never conceived, and thus The Hall of Seven Echoes was a complete impossibility - The Hall of Seven Echoes, still without Eternalism, Actualism, Infinitism, Possiblism, Nihilism and Totality, was able to continue to fight.

When her existence / nonexistence / paraexistence was retrocausality sliced, she caught the blade, effortlessly reacting just before the blade could reach her, only to be struck immanently, and even then...she reacted and caught each and every slash.

Continuity Removal: The Hall of Seven Echoes has shown that she can remove a Deus ex Machina ability from the contents of the plot.

Deus Ex Machina Ignore: She is able to step beyond the effects and counter-effects of Narrative Causality and Deus Ex Machina.

Self-creation: After all of the former was done to her, The Hall of Seven Echoes finally re-imagined herself back into the story, appearing as herself.

Truth Creation: The Hall of Seven Echoes can create Truths that can counter other Truths.

Heir to the Stars Knowledge: She surpasses irrelevant concepts like Omniscience and The Mind, as she has a higher degree of awareness and knowledge of the highest workings of Heir to the Stars.


Kerstee is a scythe that is carried by The Hall of Seven Echoes.

Command Point: In an unchanging moment, The Hall of Seven Echoes is able to point her scythe towards her target, removing numerous targets from the story. When she did this, the Silver Devil and The Black Monarch’s self-created being, fully defining their Totality, Possibility, and Nothingness from ‘before’ the beginning to ‘after’ the end was not only removed but neither brother never ‘was’ or could potentially ‘be’ at all.

Command Swipe: The Hall of Seven Echoes, with a commanding swipe of her arm, can force her scythe to eternally slice up targets in an unchanging finite meta-moment...with the only result being the complete annihilation of the Totality, Possibility, and Nothingness of said targets from ‘before’ the beginning to ‘after’ the end, not only removing everything and nothing that is a target(s), but causing the said target to never to have ‘been’ or could potentially ‘be’ at all. The target was never written...

Command Swipe - Down: The Hall of Seven Echoes swipes down her Kerstee, forcing every single Cosmic Ladder below her to shake.

True Realization

(The Hall of Seven Echoes)

(The Hall of Seven Echoes) is appears in Eternityscape L, in confrontation with X42S. She appears when The Hall of Seven Echoes is removed from the contents of the metaparatransabsolute unreachable, as she is cut down.

"She opened the door and her silhouette told the level of an eternity of Supreme Beings whose existences were lost in the curves of a body built for sin. She hesitated as if to give reality a chance to return to her level. She had killed existence/nonexistence/paraexistence with her first glare."

The Hall of Seven Echoes emerged, carrying a beauty that captured all possibilities, totalities, and hierarchies of nothingness; imprisoning their capability for language. She possessed such an overwhelmingly hypnotic presence, that she warped the entirety of the Heir to the Stars on sheer presence alone. X42S lost all intent, as she knew the only outcome. As a thank you from The Hall of Seven Echoes, X42S never existed...

Pendulum Kingbreaker

(The Hall of Seven Echoes)

Pendulum Kingbreaker (The Hall of Seven Echoes) was at the apex of Heir to the Stars. At this zenith, she (at the bare minimum) refused to go beyond < eternities of magnitudes < absolute infinitudes < lower than below absolute < the principle in which defined nothingness of नीचीन < ∀ paraeternities of metamagnitudes < trans-absolute infinitudes < अपर-lower than below absolute < nihility of effort in order to combat.

She is beyond the necessity of any definition/essence of Omni, as she exists in the gap between Tier 0 and Tier 1.

The very design of Pendulum Kingbreaker (The Hall of Seven Echoes) is shown to represent that she has now surpassed all categories within Heir to the Stars. Heir to the Stars itself is nothing but a part of her.

Posted by Suggsverse