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Tissaia Blacksun

"The soul wields more power than the blade."

Tissaia in Battlesworn armor
Photo NovelWebsite Exclusive
PhysiologyHuman / Eldervoid
Weight110 lbs
Eye ColorBrown
Hair ColorBrown
Birth DateUnknown
Birth PlaceUnknown
FamilyJinias (Sister)
Love InterestsNone

Tissaia is a character that appears on www.heirtothestars.com.

Tissaia epitomizes the essence of loyalty and sacrifice, a figure whose beauty extends far beyond mere physical appearance to encompass the depths of her unwavering devotion. Beneath her ethereal beauty lies a soul tempered by adversity, forged in the crucible of betrayal and hardship.

She exudes an aura of quiet strength, her demeanor marked by an unshakeable resolve and an unwavering commitment to her duties. Despite the trials that have befallen her, Tissaia remains steadfast in her loyalty to her sister, Jinias, and to the ideals she holds dear.

Her beauty transcends the superficial, radiating from the depths of her spirit, a beacon of light in the darkest of times. Yet, beneath her serene exterior lies a heart burdened by the weight of her responsibilities, a soul bound by the ties of duty and sacrifice.


In the annals of the Empire of Magicalibra, Tissaia, the second imperial princess, is a story shrouded in shadows and secrets, woven with threads of loyalty and sacrifice. Born of noble lineage, she bore the weight of great expectations from the moment she drew breath, her brilliance and abilities apparent even in her infancy.

But Tissaia's fate took a dark turn when she found herself ensnared in the machinations of her own kin, ensnared in a sinister plot to seize the throne. In a bid to shield her younger sister, Jinias, from the clutches of treachery, Tissaia committed what some deemed a sin. Accused falsely and imprisoned by her own father, the emperor, she languished in captivity, her spirit unbroken even as her body remained confined.

Imprisonment did not dull Tissaia's resolve. Instead, it forged her into a silent guardian, a shadow protector cloaked in secrecy, her loyalty unwavering even in the face of betrayal. Armed with a scythe that devoured souls, bestowed upon her by the emperor himself, she embraced her clandestine role, her sole purpose to safeguard her sister, Jinias, above all else.

As the drums of war thundered across the empire and the gods cast their shadow over the land, Tissaia emerged from the shadows, her duty clear: to shield Jinias, even at the cost of her own life. But fate, in its capricious dance, dealt a cruel hand, and Tissaia found herself staring into the lifeless eyes of her beloved sister, slain upon the battlefield.

In the depths of despair, Tissaia unearthed the true power of the Silver Devil’s Scythe, an artifact of unimaginable potency, steeped in darkness and whispered legends. With the scythe as her conduit, she ventured into the realm of the dead, a realm both eerie and strangely familiar, where the boundary between life and death blurred like mist.

The ritual to resurrect Jinias exacted a heavy toll, draining Tissaia's strength and plunging her into the abyss of the underworld. Yet, in that abyss, she forged a pact with the scythe, binding herself to its suggslogical power, and transcending the boundaries of human thought. As she emerged from the depths, she bore witness to a truth both profound and unsettling: she was no longer merely mortal, but something more.

In the aftermath of her transformation, Tissaia's path veered into uncharted territories, her existence straddling the realms of the living and the dead. Yet, with the Silver Devil’s Scythe as her companion, she embraced her newfound identity, a figure both feared and revered, a guardian bound by duty, loyalty, and the echoes of a sister's love.

Posted by Suggsverse