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Van Daniels

Photo NovelSolecism
Weight160 lbs.
Eye ColorBrown
Hair ColorBlack
Birth DateInapplicable
Birth PlaceUnknown
StatusExists and Nonexistent (simultaneously)
Love InterestsNone

Van Daniels appears in the series Solecism. He is a member of Mirage.


Van Daniels first appears in the first volume of Solecism III. 

When Van Daniels is first introduced, he is seen discussing with the rest of Mirage about their war on Honest, and about how to bring about the coming storm. Van, however, felt that the group should worry more about the guardians of the planet that they were on. Eventually, Van found himself engaged in a fierce battle with Lily Magnolia. He met his end in this battle.

Van later appears in the Unwritten Chapters, being pushed to the limits against a foe of unimaginable power.


Van prefers to keep his distance from others, so he often comes across as aloof and elusive. He has a rather cynical and even misanthropic view of the world around him. And while he is relatively taciturn, he occasionally squabbles with and insults his teammates. He holds a certain amount of respect and kinship for his teammates, even if he chooses not to show it.

Powers and Abilities

In Solecism Van Daniels is able to harness the power of Chi.

Chi Blade: Van is able to manipulate the chi-energy systems of nature, converging energy into a blade.

Chi - Light Manipulation: Van Daniels can manipulate chi energy systems to force the light of the Sun to purge a target from the world.

Chi - Enhanced Movement: Van is able to enter and appear from a quantum decoherence gap in the realm between life and death. Because of this, he is alive and dead at the same time and is able to exist at any point in space-time at will, while also not existing at the same time.

Chi - Creation Unmake: Van is able to force the chi from an entire adjacent Universe to unmake a target's complete existence.

Chi - Cosmic Annihilation: The Macro Cosmos starts singing to Van, and the Pulse of the Stars starts crying. During this event, Van forces the chi surging from the nature of the structure of reality to grant Van the life energy of an entire cosmos. Through this gathering of chi energy, Van can create a massively intense form of fire that was comparable to cosmic creation temperatures. By charging this up to maximum potential, he creates a small-scale version of a supernova. It was commented that he emanates the Big Bang event by someone that analyzed the level of his energy.

In Heir to the Stars: The Unwritten Chapters VII:

Van Daniels has gone through a major upgrade by this point, fully maximizing his abilities.

Maximum MetaDefense: Van is able to survive, unscathed, the absolute denial of an infinite universe in which he existed on. However, that was just the tip of the candle, as all parallel and adjacent infinite universes that were connected to that universe in all forms of possibility, with all different forms of attributes and laws of physics also ceased to exist. Van, however, remained unaffected.

  • When the absolute perfection of his existence and nonexistence was completely Omniversally irreversibly forced to disappear, Van Daniels escaped the necessity of regeneration, absolutely restoring himself.

Chi Manipulation: Van Daniels, with his power to harness Chi, is able to tap into the Omniversal Chi-field, wrapping his body in Chi energy.

Maximum MetaPresence: Through his Chi - Enhanced Presence, Van is able to enter and appear from a Pataphysical decoherence gap in the ‘prior’ to Nothingness and Possibility. He did this to escape a series of completed infinite shots of compressed anti-existential energy bullets being fired at him, with each bullet breaking through the barriers of all theories of dimension and causality to strike Van before actuality could become potentiality and vice-versa.

Sword of Chi: Van is able to generate an enhanced sword of Chi, slicing all of the bullets mentioned above into less than their own actuality before they escape potentiality and actuality.

  • It was shown that a regular downward slash, (although it missed its target) could slash in half existence and nonexistence on an Omniversal level.

Light of Creation: Van can manipulate chi energy systems to force the Light of Creation to purge a target from all modes of possibility. A brilliant light of radiance encompasses the Omniverse in its entirety, only targeting the target, removing the very concept of the absolute perfection of their being.

Chi - Creation Unmake: Van is able to force the chi from an entire adjacent Omniverse from a completely different story to unmake a target's complete existence. The chi erupted from before the actuality and possibility of the target's existence and nonexistence, completely enveloping said target in a crimson pillar of light.

Chi - Cosmic Annihilation: The Macro Cosmos starts singing to Van, and the Pulse of the Stars started crying. During this unactualized event, Van forced the chi surging from the ground state of the structure of a higher plane of The All to grant him the phenomena of an entire All. Through this gathering of chi energy, Van created a massively intense form of water that was beyond cosmic creation temperatures. By charging this up to maximum potential, he created a small-scale version of a torrential tsunami. In truth, he harnessed the power from a higher ‘The All’ than that of The All.

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