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Proibita Magia

"A samurai's honor lies not in victory, but in the courage to face The Chaos Queen."

Photo NovelWebsite Exclusive
PhysiologyBlack Tenet
HeightImmeasurable by Human Comprehension
WeightImmeasurable by Human Comprehension
Eye ColorRed
Hair ColorBlack
Birth DateInapplicable
Birth PlaceInapplicable
StatusBeyond Existence and Nonexistence
GenderFeminine Principle
Love InterestsNone

Proibita Magia is a character that appears on www.heirtothestars.com.

Proibita Magia epitomizes the essence of resilience and defiance. Her demeanor is marked by a serene yet unyielding resolve, reflecting a spirit untamed by the constraints of fate. Beneath her calm exterior lies a burning determination to challenge the cosmic order and carve her own destiny amidst the chaos of existence. She is fiercely independent, unwilling to bend to the will of authority or succumb to the whims of fate. Proibita Magia embodies the ethos of the samurai, embodying honor, discipline, and courage in the face of insurmountable odds. Her journey is one of self-discovery and transcendence, as she seeks to unlock the boundless potential within herself and her enigmatic suggslogical blade.


In the desolate remnants of the Constellura Empire, amidst the echoes of bygone glory and the whispers of cosmic turmoil, emerged the enigmatic figure of Proibita Magia. An ethereal samurai wielding a black katana unlike any other in Worldwalker Rewoven, Proibita Magia possessed a weapon that transcended the boundaries of human comprehension.

Legend tells of her refusal to bow before any Monarch, uttering words that echoed defiance against the constraints of authority and ignorance. Her katana, imbued with an insatiable hunger for the very essence of existence, became the instrument of her prowess and doom alike. In countless duels that traversed the realm, tales spread of her unmatched skill and the mesmerizing dance of her blade.

As she confronted Deus and cosmic beings, Proibita Magia's resolve remained unyielding, even as death loomed ever closer. In the heat of battle, she struck down celestial giants with a single stroke, her katana carving through divine flesh as easily as through mortal sinew. Though her Black Tenet wholeness succumbed to the chaos of war, her otherness endured, tethered to the realm by the inscrutable power of her suggslogical blade.

Reborn from the void beyond, Proibita Magia returned to the fray, her essence intertwined with the very essence of her weapon. With each resurrection, her prowess grew, transcending htts beyondness and ascending to realms of suggs unfathomable to human minds. On the blood-soaked frontlines of Constellura's demise, her presence was an indomitable force, painting the battlefield crimson with the lifeblood of gods.

Despite the scant narratives that chronicle her existence, through relentless training and unwavering determination, she ascended to heights of suggsverse that surpassed human understanding, becoming a symbol of defiance against the tyranny of fate and the capricious whims of divinity.


Proibita Magia utilizes Suggsphysics to command the "Blossom Blackness" of Black Ontology.

Blossom Blackness - Clear Rose: Proibita Magia slices through the boundless expanse of the void beyond, endlessly countering and retroactively denying the absolute boundless multiplicity transcendental hierarchy of the boundless layers of the Transhierarchical actuality of the transfictional narrative target.

Blossom Blackness - Silent Rose: Proibita Magia slices through the primal, unmanifest void of absolute nothingness, which serves as the foundation of both existence and nonexistence. Its inhabitants perceive existence and nonexistence as two sides of the same coin, witnessing them as equal components of a linear narrative viewed from an external perspective. They exist in an unattainable realm of pure silence, transcending all language and conceptualizations. Proibita Magia slices through all of the aforementioned on a transfictional scale in a single slash, negating all.

Blossom Blackness - Rosescape: Proibita Magia's blade slices through a plane far beyond the grasp of cosmic wholeness, delving into the background of creation of absolute nothingness that eludes all conceptualization and articulation. Here, words falter and reality itself fades into the profound silence of the void, where the essence of beings defies description. The blade absolutely cuts through the background of creation on a transfictional level, boundless folds over.

Posted by Suggsverse